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Omission™ Confession!

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TD Admin
For those of you who are curious, I am 54 years young!
I am Married,Protestant and very Conservative.
My interests:4x4 Trucks,Computers,Playing Guitar,Playing Golf,Hunting and Fishing.
My favorite Music:Rock,Country,Rolling Stones and some Rap.
My favorite Books:War as I Knew It by General George Patton,Jr., Adolf Hitler by John Toland.

I always played war games when I was a child,such as Risk,Stratego,Armada3,Normandy 1944,Chess,Checkers and war games with friends using real B.B. guns!

In 1980 I got married and had three girls (every guys dream) hahaha. The war games ended for many years.I have my own business and I am retired.I was looking for war programs,when my daughter boyfriend said you should try Counter-Strike Source, he registered and installed the program for me. I played on many sites and was put down for being too old. From that point,I hate to admit it,but I tend to fabricate stories from time to time. I was impressed when I found out that Torontodarkly is the only site that doesn’t discriminate against the elderly generation. Now that I have more time to indulge in my hobbies, war games are at the top of my list. Playing war games enables me to express my frustrations in a safe healthy way.I hope that the information I have shared with you has answered your questions.


TD Admin
LOL TK Specialist! - 5 Kills

That's cool man, we're all old in some way shape or form here. Heck, you may not even be the oldest here! We're glad you enjoy TD. Now, there are some burning questions that I'm sure a lot of the people here are wondering:

1) Are your daughters blonde?
2) Are any of them single?

Oh! Oh! I play airsoft as well (B.B. guns), and I have quite a collection too! We should meet up and shoot each other at some random busy intersection and see who can draw more ETF members towards himself!


TD Admin
lol guys and thanks :)

stop avoiding the questions -_-

Very cool and don't feel bad about being 54, we're all going to get there Eventually! And don't let ppl tell you to grow up and start acting your age, we're only as old as we feel. Who cares if you're playing a young mans game, what's it to them! If your old reactions can keep up all the more power to you!! Look at Glock he's 55 and needs reading glasses to see his monitor and he does alright!

Welcome aboard old man, now I'm only the 3rd oldest here, :)
psss, I'm 47 and a half.

Edit: you know I'm joking about being old right? I am 47 y.y.


TD Admin
^ He lies ... his as old as fck :).

Anyway ... Omissions, this game has no age limit. You have no reason to feel bad about it. Plus if anyone makes fun of you, just let us know ;).


TD Admin
lol guys and thanks :)

stop avoiding the questions -_-


+1 ... and pictures!
I have always thought it was awesome that older people played computer/video games. I have never personally known any older people that played, but since I got back into it a couple of years back, I have been amazed at how many older players I have come across. It's sweet, and this is a great place to play for all ages.

Oh.... and family pictures from the beach, let's make this worth our time boys.
I have been amazed at how many older players I have come across. It's sweet

You're a pig! Have some respect you fancy pants gangster!


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
I think his daughters must be like 21-28 range.... perfecttttttt :D

anyways, Omission is a cool dude... enjoyed playing and talking with him last night on the server...

I have been amazed at how many older players I have come across. It's sweet

You're a pig! Have some respect you fancy pants gangster!


I was like WTF?? for a minute... then LOL.
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