OMG, Finally Got my Dream Weapon


TD Admin / Wanker
Machina is practically made to bodyshot.
It gives away your position too easily with that big ass laser if you miss on the first shot :P
Also there is the no shooting without scoping...which is annoying...

It's practically a campers dream, sit in a corner a build up the charge, bodyshot someone, hide in a corner and wait again.
I'm not saying that's how you use it, but it's how a lot of machina users play, and it gives a bad name to machina users that want to actually get head shots and just use the gun because it's cool.


A Little Darkly
I love, Machina and Stock <3 Still use Stock most of the time, But if their's 20 thousand guys shooting at yu I use that Machina to get 2-3 kill in 1 shot (: Only Sniper rifle Set that Major piss off sniper is The Sydney Sleeper set xD
Now come back to this thread with a Server-Clearing Machina and you'll earn the Mann Award.

Strange Machina don't mean shit! XD


TF2 Admin
It does to the person who has been wanting that weapon since he started tf2! but...No server clearing yet, only around 300 kills with ~6 bodyshots.