OH SHIT A BEAR / DevilMayCare


Future Ban List Occupant
Game Handle(s):
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: It has been a long time ... lol infexxious I think ? dunno I mostly scrimmed with teams
Real First Name: Christopher Beals
Favorite Games: CSS/WOW
Interests: Smoking
Why do you want to join Toronto Darkly? Its the only server I play on lol

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 3 months on the server with at least 100 hours of play?yep
Are you active on the forums? Not to bad more so now then the last month
Do you have a mic?Yep a good one
Are you in good standing with the community? I would say so
Are you at least 18 years of age?Yep

http://www.darklygaming.com/forum/showthread.php/6324-DevilMayCare was my intro thread :D back in march


TD Admin
*wild fag appears* i love shutting you down in CSS makes my day sometimes lol.
Pretty awesome guy +1.


Future Ban List Occupant
LoL !!!! Always proving me right about the Tom's xDD it's on now lol||

"wild fag appears " Kinda lol'd cuz of the FUR SURE avatar above it . BUT yar the word fag and I do not go together


Future Ban List Occupant
@thomas shouldn't be too hard :P but I wont over do it

@ steve


didnt want my thread to vanish xD