Right click on the pictures and click copy image url.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1561420769249&set=a.1561415609120.63908.1647210051&type=3&src=https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/209834_1561420769249_7649045_o.jpg&smallsrc=https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/207670_1561420769249_7649045_n.jpg&size=2048,1520
ok, everyone disperse, this motherfucker won:
Why not save up and Build a Desktop?Can't upgrade the piece of shit, not in the budget. Might be upgrading the RAM and sound.
Can't save when I have to assist in hospital bills, friend who's giving me a roof over my head was forced to buy a new car, helping him there as well.Why not save up and Build a Desktop?
Upgrading a laptop would be tedious..
LOL.this is the house that WoW built.
No one gives a fuck about a Loss Prevention Agent who got shot at a retailer. Particularly since it happened in the wee morning just after opening near an entrance to a almost empty 4 level parking garage. As for the hours, that's because we're on a productivity program and since I've been out, I couldn't make anymore stops so naturally, those that did, get the rest of the hours. When I was asked how I re-opened my wounds, the moment they heard reaching for coffee...ow.jakk, shouldnt u be getting book deals about your experience getting shotgun'd protecting the store you were guarding? You should be on CBS/NBC in the news and be a local hero dancing with Ellen on her show; not getting reduced hours n being seen as negligent. That is, unless it was a nice story...
What's your overclock? Q6600s easily get 3Ghz on stock cooling, and 3.4Ghz on decent cooling.
What's your overclock? Q6600s easily get 3Ghz on stock cooling, and 3.4Ghz on decent cooling.
Of course 3.6+ is possible with more money/time, but doesn't really change much.
$3500? Not counting my monitor (I have the same one, paid about $200 for it), my who system after taxes was $2400 or so 4 years ago (though swap out the 6870 for a 4870)... Legit Windows, G9 mouse, G15 2ed KB, Creative Labs sound card and 5.1 speakers included in there.it's stock, can't void the warrenty. still kicks ass (IMO) though cost me about $3500 (CAN) 4 years ago.