Official Minecraft Server - 5 Free Copies


TD Admin
too bad you can't just set ownership on a "piece" that you mine. like, if I dug up a blue cube, thats my fucking cube. nobody else can use it.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Just curious since I'm reaching for a different game to play, TD went from CS > TF2 > BF3 (rip) > to Minecraft? I'm lost lol, like spur of the moment purchase?

this is what i'd like to know because as i do recall, a few months ago when some of us asked for a minecraft server, we were laughed at. so why all of a sudden did we jump to a 30 slot server without even testing a smaller slot first?

Fail troll or do you guys not know how to read? :\

And Mandy, we did not want to host minecraft on our server because it is a memory hog, nobody laughed at the request. We did not want to affect the performance of our dedicated server at the time, which would have affected all our Toronto CSS/TF2 servers. Aim2Game is a game server host/provider and therefore, they have the superior hardwares and resources required to run all kinds of servers. That is why they are the best in the business. I hope this answers your question.


TD Member
Cuz I make post, it makes it a troll? Nice. I was just wondering since TD had been strictly shooter games, and the fact MC was denied earlier on. :knockout:


TD Admin
From what i know and discussed with skd aim2game provided us with our servers including the new minecraft server. We are in a wicked partnership with them where their company uses us as an example of how good their servers and services are. Essentially we are an advertising medium for aim2game to promote their products and we benefit from having amazing server hosting without using our deniro

So they give us a free minecraft server to use, so why not promote n use it? :)

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Cuz I make post, it makes it a troll? Nice. I was just wondering since TD had been strictly shooter games, and the fact MC was denied earlier on. :knockout:

Negative. It's the fact that you are asking questions that have either already been answered or for which the answers are in the same thread. This makes one wonder wether you read the previous posts before asking the question, or whether you are trolling. Especially since you are known to be a troll. No offense.


TD Member
Negative. It's the fact that you are asking questions that have either already been answered or for which the answers are in the same thread. This makes one wonder wether you read the previous posts before asking the question, or whether you are trolling. Especially since you are known to be a troll. No offense.

All I asked was why? Since we have all FPS' games. Because we got it for free?... Which i guess does sound rhetorical.

Troll, a word used way too much these days. I guess a lot my posts seem that way, instead of my opinion, or being direct, or constructive criticism. le sigh
this is what i'd like to know because as i do recall, a few months ago when some of us asked for a minecraft server, we were laughed at. so why all of a sudden did we jump to a 30 slot server without even testing a smaller slot first?

The server was full yesterday and today it has been upgraded to 40 Slots.


TD Member
The only reason why I asked about the 30 slots is because we seemed to have run into a problem in the beginning with regards to griefing, but after talking to skd and brades yesterday, all seems to be resolved. I just thought it would have been smarter to start smaller and then build up from there but all the wrinkles seemed to have been smoothed out.


TD Admin / Wanker
Woo a Minecraft server!
I will be sure to join this later if anyone else is on.

I have a few Mod suggestions.
Having never been on, I'm not sure if you have these or not...A list of the Mods you do have would be good on the main post :)

Over my time of playing Bukkit servers, I've found a few mods I really liked.

One is the Factions mod, this allows players to create a faction, they can have their friends join it and can build their own cities. The brilliant thing about this mod is that it allows the players to claim land under the faction, which allows for player controlled anti-grief. The main aim of this mod is to have enemy factions and ally factions and you all fight against each other, but I love this mod purely for the fact that it stops griefers in their tracks.

Another one would be, I think it's called the Lumberjack mod. Whatever the name is, I can't remember right now, this mod basically means that when you hit the bottom block of a tree, it chops the whole tree down. And I think as well, it might be this same mod, it might not...But when you chop a tree down, it plants a sapling in its place, making tree farms even more efficient.

One final mod that I also love, is something along the lines of Controlled Explosions. I can't remember the name, but it's a mod that stops creepers from damaging the environment around them. They still explode, and they still do damage to the players, but your area wont suffer for you accidentally running in to hug a Creeper. This also aids to stop griefers from just letting a creeper explode near them while near your house.

Now with all of this being said, I'm not actually saying that we have any griefers, these are more just a precaution and the fact that I love these Bukkit mods :P
We are pleased to announce that we now have an official Minecraft server. This is still in the early stages -- the server is vanilla. We will be adding mods and making more customizations in the days to come.

We are open to all your suggestions to improve the server, so don't hold back if you have any ideas. In the meantime, you can start playing and help build DARKLYWORLD!

DARKLYWORLD Minecraft - Chicago (40 Players)

We are giving away 5 free full copies of Minecraft. Details here

How do we get our copy? I was one of the winners.