Office 2010


TD Admin
Hey, I recently became aware of Office 2010 and was wondering, who uses it?

Is it worth getting?

If yes, anyone have a good link for a copy of it? 'legit' of course *wink*

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I have '07 now, and coming from '03, I'll be honest, I find they keep making things "more user friendly" - aka hiding basic menus, and complicating the FUCK out of things just to make it look like a more "professional office suite". It's fucking gay man, not to mention there's ZERO real new features.


TD Admin
i enjoy 07 over 03. Took a lil bit of getting used to, but once u get the hang of the "Ribbon" features, its a lot more simple. Excel is a breeze to use now, especially when creating graphs, charts, and shit. Access is more easy to use too, among other things. Word is meh, but its simple to use too.

Was just wondering if 07 was sufficient enough or if 2010 was worth getting