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Off to FLorida


TD Admin
Well guys its off to Florida with the little one for two weeks, hopefully me and the wifey can get a little R&R now, i cant wait t shove the baby into my mothers face and say "Thanks for looking out, C-ya" lol. Ill send some updated pics of baby and the trip when i return 2nd week of JUne. I will be around until MAY 29TH if anyone needs anything , unitl then c ya in-game.


TD Member
Well guys its off to Florida with the little one for two weeks, hopefully me and the wifey can get a little R&R now, i cant wait t shove the baby into my mothers face and say "Thanks for looking out, C-ya" lol. Ill send some updated pics of baby and the trip when i return 2nd week of JUne. I will be around until MAY 29TH if anyone needs anything , unitl then c ya in-game.
Here's how this is going to go down:

You, the person going to Florida and paying for the trip, are going to stuff me into your suitcase. Now I know you'd be all concerned for me, y'know, with those suitcases being thrown around and whatnot, so I've thought up a plan B:

You, the person going to Florida and paying for the trip, are going to stuff me into your pocket.

Here's the other half of the plan:

You're going to feed me, and care for me and give me shelter and a nice fluffy bed. And when it's time to go home, you'll return me as I arrived.

Sound good? Okay. I like it too.