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    Be good to each other.

NYC - Hate speech on subway ads.


2012 Troll of the Year
In my humble opinion, this is exactly why religion is just an excuse. Violent people are violent. The religious meta-data that somebody attaches to their person is, for the most part, inconsequential.

You make a disparaging movie about my God? I'll kill you for it.

You tear up a picture of the pope on TV? I'll kill you for it.

You step foot on my lawn? I'll kill you for it.

Just violent people being violent.


2012 Troll of the Year
I never said I wasn't violent. I did play rugby for 15 years, and I've got the pieces of skull and back meat on the bottom of my cleats to prove it.

And that was after a particularly disasterous trip on the west coast trail, where our hiking companions essentially left us to die. Then once we made it back to civilization, which wasn't without its challenges, the particular girl what we went with, who just so happened to be in my wife's bridal party, took it upon herself to disparage her.

It really took the piss out of me that supposed friends would act like it, makes me really slow to trust new people. Some people act extremely selfish at critical points, and then once things settle, and they need to protect themselves from the judgement of other, take to a campaign of lies and manipulation.

I've since forbidden these people from stepping foot on my property though.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Lol treat everyone with the same respect? I don't see Christians bombing embassies over a movie, or suicide bombing in the name of jesus.

I couldn't agree more. Here's the difference I see with Christianity and Muslim Extremism (or whatever fancy term CNN is using now-a-days): Christians stopped thousands of years ago. Muslims just keep bombing and killing kids and women. :golfclap: Well done, allah, well done.

My point is we grew out of it, and 90% of Christians know better than to be sucked into the whole, "Oh dear, I swore today, I think I'm going to go whip myself to make even with God." The time of brainwash is over, just not all of us have figured this out yet... but at least we're (Christians) are progressing.


2012 Troll of the Year
All kidding aside, it was touch'n'go.

2 days in, out of a 6 day trip, they left us, an hour before night fall, in the rain, without water filters or a way to heat our food.

I got in an argument with them regarding our pace (it was too fast), and then I accidentally dropped a fuel pump (necessary for heating food), wrecking it. The other hikers were so pissed at me, they ignored my apologies and ran off into the bush, faster than me or my wife could follow.

Now, I know I fucked it up, but it was an accident and not worthy of leaving somebody in bush that deep.

I dont' really think they understood what they were doing, but were thinking about our water supply, as one of the girls left my wife a little thing of water. But its bullshit, because we had duplicates of everything, big deal, so I dropped a cheapy little pump, we had a backup. So yeah, no water. Its such a strange thing until you're left with absolutely none to drink. It was fucking scary, but we bumped into other hikers and they agreed to share with us.

Anyways, so when we reached our trailhead, they didn't bother waiting around for us (they got there a day earlier, but we had previously arraigned to do it in 6 days anyways), and my wife and I had to figure out another way back down the island.

So, then when the dust settles, my wife gets these funny little emails and texts from people saying, "I heard what happened, I hope you're alright". Meaning, somebody was saying something, meaning, the other hikers.

Anyways long story short, I put a passive aggressive post on feebee, that fork pulled out of his ass at the most opportune time, because I've been crushing him in the grammar game.



TD Admin
I couldn't agree more. Here's the difference I see with Christianity and Muslim Extremism (or whatever fancy term CNN is using now-a-days): Christians stopped thousands of years ago. Muslims just keep bombing and killing kids and women. :golfclap: Well done, allah, well done.

My point is we grew out of it, and 90% of Christians know better than to be sucked into the whole, "Oh dear, I swore today, I think I'm going to go whip myself to make even with God." The time of brainwash is over, just not all of us have figured this out yet... but at least we're (Christians) are progressing.

think your point is wrong man

90% of christians don't get sucked into the bible ad verbatim because they are fair-weather religious types. Western nations, especially Canadians, have put church on the backburner and never think twice about looking back. It's also because here in NA, we are much much more educated and have readily accessible information and resources. The people in war-torn nations or third-worlders? Not very much so. Millions of Americans believe that the Earth is 10,000 years old and that Adam & Eve walked with dinosaurs. More muslims accept evolution theory than christian evangelists. They SERIOUSLY believe that our earth is a mere 10k years old and that GOD placed dino-bones for us to find and try to blend it with science lol.

90% of muslims, they might really be deep when it comes to the Koran n religious tradition, but that doesnt mean 90% of muslims are terrorist-child-bombing-murderers. Also realize that in the mid-east, because of these extremists, they put the culture in a state of fear. Taliban militants still today are striking fear, essentially 'nippin the bud' when it comes to anyone who tries to put out a progressive stance. This has been going on for centuries and probably will continue. Women who are elected officials and proponents of fair rights are murdered by these bastards. On the other hand though? Most Muslim-majority countries, (Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan [yes, PAKISTAN]) have female-elected heads of state today. Thats right, the ass-backwards religion has more female politicians in positions that matter than the developed western world. Whether they are just 'puppets' is another debate, but same could be said for male presidents n prime ministers too.

Again, Muslims are not completely ass-backwards. To their credit, they developed A LOT for humanity and paved the way for modern innovation. They invented algebra (yes we all hated it in junior high, but without it science, math, physics, etc. not be where it is today), they advanced geography, have some of the most renowned art and architecture in our modern world, promoted education, literature and art when other nations of the era didn't even clean the shit off their streets.

Does this mean there arent shit head muslims that would rather live in the dark ages? No. Unfortunately not. But these types of people, extremist-fundamentalists, are by no means limited to Islam. They are found in ALL religions including Christianity, as well as atheists too.

Again, look at the media. In North America, it's all rabble-rabble derka-derka mid-east terrorists. When there's a bombing, we automatically think mid-east type wearing turbin and dirty beards. Just because 99% of media shows muslim martyrs doesn't mean 99% of muslims are terrorists, let alone support the violence extremist-fundamentalists try and propagate. It's honestly a classic case of bad apples spoiling the bunch. I don't honestly believe it is fair to label or view ANY religion in a certain light based off of some whack-jobs interpretation of a book of fairy tales.


2012 Troll of the Year
Algebraic Reference required. Wiki is not sufficient.

Most mathematicians give credit to the greeks (hence the symbols?) for the birth of Algebra.

Think Pythagoras. Circles in the sand? Radii?

I did do a quick lookup on it, but all I got was wiki answers supporting this muhammed al-blaqari character, and rationality would suggest that although the greeks didn't perfect the whole thing, I'm pretty sure it was the first fundamental step.


TD Admin
Algebraic Reference required. Wiki is not sufficient.

Most mathematicians give credit to the greeks (hence the symbols?) for the birth of Algebra.

Think Pythagoras. Circles in the sand? Radii?

I did do a quick lookup on it, but all I got was wiki answers supporting this muhammed al-blaqari character, and rationality would suggest that although the greeks didn't perfect the whole thing, I'm pretty sure it was the first fundamental step.


The origins of algebra can thus be traced back to ancient Babylonian mathematicians roughly four thousand years ago.

The word "algebra" is derived from the Arabic word Al-Jabr meaning "reunion of broken parts"

One of the most famous tablets is the Plimpton 322 tablet, created around 1900–1600 BCE, which gives a table of Pythagorean triples and represents some of the most advanced mathematics prior to Greek mathematics


2012 Troll of the Year
Well then, you'd better cite those ;)

From my understand, references are not recursive, you have to cite the source material, not material that makes reference to source material.


2012 Troll of the Year
1983 - 1990

Junior Secondary
1991 - 1994

Senior Secondary
1994 - 1996

Post Secondary
2000 - 2005


TD Admin
hehe i was just teasin u u old fart ;b

during my first two years in undergrad @ western, they kept telling us "WIKIPEDIA IS NOT A REFERENCE"

now most uni professors don't give a fuck and having one or two wiki references won't spill their shit for em. Hell even some professors update topics on wiki themselves to make sure it is correct.

Science and engi students still get butt-fucked with sourcing n citing....but how'd we start digressing to this topic again?