Noob questions

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2012 Troll of the Year
1. Spy
When disguised as an enemy, is there any way to reveal this? IE walk next to him, etc, (besides the name steal as well)

Standby for further noobery.


2012 Troll of the Year
Ok. So just running into them doesn't help.

Second question, Enginner:

If one of my sentries is being sapped, I've been told just to bang away at it with my wrench, sometimes works, soemtimes doesn't. Do I need metal to repair it?


TD Admin
Ok. So just running into them doesn't help.

Second question, Enginner:

If one of my sentries is being sapped, I've been told just to bang away at it with my wrench, sometimes works, soemtimes doesn't. Do I need metal to repair it?

i dont think you need metal to repair it. but the reason it doesnt work is because the good spies sap all your shit, and then shoot the gun, then sap the gun again, then shoot the gun, etc. so that you basically can't win without either another engineer there or somebody else to kill the spy. or you can kill the spy yourself, but then your shit will explode.


2012 Troll of the Year
Additional question

Apparently, you can do a taunt just as an enemy dies, and double your damage or some shit? whats the deal with this?


TD Member
[quote1257184327=Leroy]Do I need metal to repair it?[/quote1257184327]

Actually yes, if you are repairing damage you need metal.


2012 Troll of the Year
*scribbles on notepad*
-- pyro's advice ingame is completely untrustable


TD Admin

Additional question

Apparently, you can do a taunt just as an enemy dies, and double your damage or some shit? whats the deal with this?


No. The taunt is just for fun* EDIT: sorry i misread the question. Um...I don't believe so...

Exceptions: some taunts are instant-kills if you hit them with it (there's usually an achievement associated with it) i.e. pyro w/shotgun taunt is a hadoken (fireball a la Ryu/Ken) They are hard to pull off, but funny as hell to watch.

[quote1257184327=Leroy]Do I need metal to repair it?[/quote1257184327]

Actually yes, if you are repairing damage you need metal.


But NOT if you're just destroying the sappers. You need metal and you need to be hammering away at your sentry to a) repair and b) reload it with ammo.


1. Spy
When disguised as an enemy, is there any way to reveal this? IE walk next to him, etc, (besides the name steal as well)

Standby for further noobery.

If you want to catch a spy, just fire randomly at teammates (or use melee). This will both dispel any doubt that you are you and you might randomly find the spy. There are various ways to catch a spy. Either a) exploit the fact that there's no FF, b) exploit the fact that you can no_clip teammates, c) pyro, d) if you see yourself run by :)


TD Member
Thats right teammates are noclip, if you bump into someone on your team and it stops you, it's likely a spy.


TD Admin
lol, its DEFINATELY a spy if you run into them.
another thing i do is, Every time i see a teammate, i press the talk key twice real quick so they know im on thier team. Disquised spys that talk still have their real team color displayed.

Im a blu spy and im in disguise. if alltalk is on and i start talking, you are going to see a red guy with a blu speech bubble over his head. suspicious, no?


TD Admin
lol, its DEFINATELY a spy if you run into them.
another thing i do is, Every time i see a teammate, i press the talk key twice real quick so they know im on thier team. Disquised spys that talk still have their real team color displayed.

Im a blu spy and im in disguise. if alltalk is on and i start talking, you are going to see a red guy with a blu speech bubble over his head. suspicious, no?

That last example is only when all-talk is on (usually is when the server is starting up/populating)
Ok. So just running into them doesn't help.

Second question, Enginner:

If one of my sentries is being sapped, I've been told just to bang away at it with my wrench, sometimes works, soemtimes doesn't. Do I need metal to repair it?


Third question, Engineer again:

1 hour of playing last night I got most of the game, my question though is the sentry, when I popped mine up and banged on it for a few seconds it went to 60 / 200, how do I get it to 200?! Keep banging it? And, do you need to stay around it?

Soo confused...

Fork Included

TD Admin
[quote1257195795=TD|night blade]
Ok. So just running into them doesn't help.

Second question, Enginner:

If one of my sentries is being sapped, I've been told just to bang away at it with my wrench, sometimes works, soemtimes doesn't. Do I need metal to repair it?


Third question, Engineer again:

1 hour of playing last night I got most of the game, my question though is the sentry, when I popped mine up and banged on it for a few seconds it went to 60 / 200, how do I get it to 200?! Keep banging it? And, do you need to stay around it?

Soo confused...

to build, you have to whack things with your wrench

building requires "ammo", the game calls this "metal". An engineer only has a set amount of metal, and requires more to upgrade and build new things.

metal = ammo, so to replenish your metal do whatever you would do with any other character,

1. restock in base
2. pick up an ammo crate
3. pick up guns left by the dead
4. use your own dispenser to replenish, this is why you build a dispenser first, and then the turret (usually)

start game mechanics for an engineer are usually run out, pop down a teleporter entry, go back and replenish, then run out into the field and set up your dispenser/gun

always try to put dispensers in places where other characters, particularly heavies, could stand ground and fire away while being continuously fed health and ammo.


TD Admin | Bacon
Keep hitting it with your wrench, however you need metal.

You can obtain metal from the little boxes around the map, or from your dispenser unit.

You must have metal to repair your sentry/dispenser/teleporters


TD Admin
[quote1257196044=TD|night blade]
Ok. So just running into them doesn't help.

Second question, Enginner:

If one of my sentries is being sapped, I've been told just to bang away at it with my wrench, sometimes works, soemtimes doesn't. Do I need metal to repair it?


Third question, Engineer again:

1 hour of playing last night I got most of the game, my question though is the sentry, when I popped mine up and banged on it for a few seconds it went to 60 / 200, how do I get it to 200?! Keep banging it? And, do you need to stay around it?

Soo confused...
upgrades take metal. metal can be gotten from the locker in spawn, or from ammo boxes laying around in random places, or from a dispenser that you erect. hence, erect a sentry near an ammo box, or erect a dispenser first.
your metal amount is displayed at bottom right of your HUD

and Leroy, my info was correct. no metal needed to remove sappers. the metal is needed for damages/ammo, as narf said. so fuck you!

EDIT: wow what an overkill with all of our replies.


TD Admin
[quote1257196153=Fork Included]
to upgrade, you have to whack things with your wrench

building requires "ammo", the game calls this "metal". An engineer only has a set amount of metal, and requires more to upgrade and build new things.

metal = ammo, so to replenish your metal do whatever you would do with any other character,

1. restock in base
2. pick up an ammo crate
3. pick up guns left by the dead
4. use your own dispenser to replenish, this is why you build a dispenser first, and then the sentry (usually)

start game mechanics for an engineer are usually run out, pop down a teleporter entry, push forward and pick up ammo/metal along the way, then run out into the field and set up your dispenser/gun

always try to put dispensers in places where other characters, particularly heavies, could stand ground and fire away while being continuously fed health and ammo.

Fixed for 1337ness. Ideally you want your back to a wall or something. Oh, you can also jump on your dispenser to boost yourself to otherwise unreachable spots (and then you can destroy you dispenser afterwards and rebuild)

Fork Included

TD Admin
Also a note on spies, people get pissed off at me when i kill them after they cloak

1. cloaking is not instantaneous, there is a cloud of smoke, and for a few moments i can still see your body outline and the direction in which you ran

2. putting on a disguise is also not instantaneous, same as above, if you change disguise when i'm fucking looking at you, you are not fooling anyone

3. just because you are cloaked and wear a disguise doesnt take away the fact that you are still a human being that thinks like a human being, these maps are very linear and it doesn't take a genius to figure out the behavioral patterns of your opponents.

Expert spies rely on surveying the battlefield and taking the sneaky approach, considering the other 8 classes, the Spy is radically different from all of them, you just cant be blunt with it.

Fork Included

TD Admin
looks like someone needs to get out more ^

says the girl that cant leave her house unless "its to the mall" or "a friends place"
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