No Blocking on Toronto Darkly


TD Member
It doesn't look like sourcemod will give the plugin access to enough info to figure out where players are relative to each other before deciding to turn off. Looking through the plugin's thread it looks like others have thrown that idea out there too. It does, however, look possible to allow players to interact with the plugin so that people can just unblock themselves if they respawn stuck. Not sure if it can be abused without running it on the server, but it seems like a good option. This crap is all in C++ ughhh...


DARKLY Regular
Sourcemod itself is in C++, The plugins are made in Pawn (Similar C++ Syntax, but not exactly the same).
The NoBlock itself could be done if you messed around with the m_CollisionGroup property on CTFPlayers. A timer could be made from the second a player types "!block", then the collision group is set, after a certain period of time, it is set back to normal. (I don't remember the correct values for this property, There somewhere in the API if I remember).

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Sourcemod itself is in C++, The plugins are made in Pawn (Similar C++ Syntax, but not exactly the same).
The NoBlock itself could be done if you messed around with the m_CollisionGroup property on CTFPlayers. A timer could be made from the second a player types "!block", then the collision group is set, after a certain period of time, it is set back to normal. (I don't remember the correct values for this property, There somewhere in the API if I remember).
Hey dude, that's a really interesting idea. If you could find some time to play with it, that'd be amazing!

I'm sure any help regarding the issue is greatly appreciated!


DARKLY Regular
I can try :)
What should it do? Should players be able to just type !block, and for x seconds they can go through players?

EDIT: API has the flags, Here you go. Flag one (In value starting from 0, not NONE) should be your best bet for limited time.

COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS, // Collides with nothing but world and static stuff
COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS_TRIGGER, // Same as debris, but hits triggers
COLLISION_GROUP_INTERACTIVE_DEBRIS, // Collides with everything except other interactive debris or debris
COLLISION_GROUP_INTERACTIVE, // Collides with everything except interactive debris or debris
COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, // For HL2, same as Collision_Group_Player

COLLISION_GROUP_IN_VEHICLE, // for any entity inside a vehicle
COLLISION_GROUP_WEAPON, // for any weapons that need collision detection
COLLISION_GROUP_VEHICLE_CLIP, // vehicle clip brush to restrict vehicle movement
COLLISION_GROUP_DOOR_BLOCKER, // Blocks entities not permitted to get near moving doors
COLLISION_GROUP_PASSABLE_DOOR, // Doors that the player shouldn't collide with
COLLISION_GROUP_DISSOLVING, // Things that are dissolving are in this group
COLLISION_GROUP_PUSHAWAY, // Nonsolid on client and server, pushaway in player code

COLLISION_GROUP_NPC_ACTOR, // Used so NPCs in scripts ignore the player.


DARKLY Regular
Ok. It's done. I cannot guarantee that there is no bugs with it. If there is, reply here. I don't have CSS so I cannot test this, you guys will have to do that for me lol.
Test it on local servers that you have full control of, because some errors (Such as the SetEntProp errors) will usually show on the server console rather than in-game or in the in-game console.


TD Admin
simple idea here (i know you've already attempted to fix it), when the player types !Stuck or !block or whatever, it initiates a macro that:

toggles noblock ON
slaps player
toggles noblock OFF again.

can noblock be given to individual players at a time?


DARKLY Regular
simple idea here (i know you've already attempted to fix it), when the player types !Stuck or !block or whatever, it initiates a macro that:

toggles noblock ON
slaps player
toggles noblock OFF again.

can noblock be given to individual players at a time?

I built the plugin back up from scratch, and it (should) target specific players that type "!noblock". It will not affect all players at once. I currently have it set to a 10 second timer, after 10 seconds the noblock is up and it sets it back to defaults (also should). The timer is changeable, It's a CVar for convince.

Also, what do you guys mean by Stuck in the spawn? Your saying to use the slap command to push them out, correct? How are they getting stuck? By the group of players or just the map?


DARKLY Regular
After seeing this running on TF2, It's not worth it lol. Don't use. Since CSS uses the same engine as TF2 I should be able to atleast get very close with it working. Im almost done fixing the final problems. Hang tight.


TD Admin | Bacon
starman, I have a extra css account you can have. Add me on steam and I'll give you the info/the verification code when its emailed to me.

stom89 is my main accounts username add mee


DARKLY Regular
starman, I have a extra css account you can have. Add me on steam and I'll give you the info/the verification code when its emailed to me.

stom89 is my main accounts username add mee

Nah man it's fine. Keep your code. Someone more worthy than me will need it more.
As for the plugin status, I just fixed a major bug that when "!noblock" was triggered, it would loop timers, and never end. Final testing and soon good-to-go!

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
This is really amazing stuff!!

Quick note (VERY IMPORTANT!): Can this "!block" command be disabled after, say, 20 seconds? We don't want people using this command at their leisure.


TD Admin | Bacon
Nah man it's fine. Keep your code. Someone more worthy than me will need it more.
As for the plugin status, I just fixed a major bug that when "!noblock" was triggered, it would loop timers, and never end. Final testing and soon good-to-go!

Its actually a account w/css&tf2 already on it, currently sitting collecting dust. I have no use for it. You sure?


DARKLY Regular
This is really amazing stuff!!

Quick note (VERY IMPORTANT!): Can this "!block" command be disabled after, say, 20 seconds? We don't want people using this command at their leisure.

It can be done even easier than that. I think there is a Round_Start for CSS like in TF2, I can hook an event to that, so when it's too late, they cannot trigger it any longer.

I have it currently working, and it can be used at leisure. I'll see if I can make it only work for the beginning. Thanks for the update.

Its actually a account w/css&tf2 already on it, currently sitting collecting dust. I have no use for it. You sure?

Positive. I do appreciate the offer however.

Try the version below and see if it works in CSS. It should be fully stable now. I'll be looking into the events and update when ready for next release.