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TD Admin
I hate osme things it makes the server laggy but i cant wait til admin gets their control back casue this hack, teamkilling shit has to stop or illblow a head gasket

First off, I want the ability to buy primary and secondary ammo. And I don't mean using the , key, I mean through the menu.

And I want my old radar back. Red on green bitches.

Why would you want to buy ammo when it gives you full with the gun. Ammo buying in 1.6 was so gay.
[quote1277439359=Shotgun Jesus]
Everyone bitches at every single big update. That's the way it's been for more than a decade now.


bingo. most of us payed ten bones for this bitch a decade ago. i'm actually grateful that the devs got off their ass for long enough to make an update at this point. yeah yeah some shit is fucked but the lighting is significantly improved and fps is up for those cunts that dont have a malignant system and if you do then submit a legitimate bug report detailing the problem and maybe when the next blue moon waxes over the devs will release another patch fix


TD Admin
its pretty redundant now that there are names on the radar. does having that information really help in any way? Nemesis and Domination system is also extremely stupid for CS. Its supposed to be slow paced gaming, not fast paced like tf2. is there a petition we can sign to make them roll back this update? its so awful.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I'm glad I haven't updated this shit ... I'm going to launch Steam and automatically halt the update, and remove the option to keep cs up to date. FUCK this shit.


TD Admin (and LiR)
The update isnt that bad guys. The gameplay is still the same. The only new thing (besides the bit of lag, and now i had to put my res. down) is the acheivements which as similar to TF2. I wouldnt say its all fucked up now though.


TD Admin
anyone experiencing frame rate drops?

I just dislike the killcam, it's fking stupid, cause you can't TAUNT in CS! works in TF2 but not in CS.
anyone experiencing frame rate drops?

I just dislike the killcam, it's fking stupid, cause you can't TAUNT in CS! works in TF2 but not in CS.
Nothing like that has been posted in this thread before...

Assuming we're talking about the CS:S update:

I honestly can't say I like it at all. I don't care for achievements, end of round MVP and other stats, and I don't really like the new status screen. Overlooking all that superficial mumbo jumbo I'm very unhappy with the engine update. Before the update I had absolutely no problem running the game on full settings on 32 slot servers, now the game constantly stutters even on servers with 12 people/less. My weapon presets all show up dark despite the amount of cash I have on hand, which is confusing as hell when I'm trying to buy my loadout. Since the update my connection on SEVERAL servers has been randomly dropped, and it's not my ISP. There have been numerous occasions when I'll see shots hit but fail to register, and my frame rate has dropped to high 20's - low 30's when I could run at a cool 70 FPS prior. When I enter death cam there is a lot of stuttering with static/dynamic props and when someone has the bomb on their back it looks like it's flipping out and having its own rave/party.

As stated previously: CS:S ran fine before, running everything on high settings. TF2 also functions fine for me on high, so whatever engine changes they did they either didn't do well or the update is just glitchy as hell for me. It's odd because some people said they aren't having the issues that I'm having, while many others claim to have it worse.

The big thing I'm concerned about is just running the game like it used to, I don't care about fancy new stat screens or kill cams, I just want the game to be playable again for me. Until they can work out some of these glitches I'm going to have to take a break, as of current the new update has rendered the game itself nearly unplayable for me...

Like all things software: Issues tend to be resolved over time. I think that they should have kept the beta going for a couple more months, but that's just my opinion and I'm definitely not one of the devs working on this.

I'd complain on the STEAM forums but currently they are overrun with retards "Hurr durr money back" or "dis Iz B3St UpD4T3 EvAR!!!11!1!!ELEVENTY!11!1!!" I'm sure the devs have their hands full currently.

Anyways <3 TD
You guys always make me /kittyface :3
um who are you?
What kind of question is that?
I frequently play on the TD CS:S server, I'm just another poster.
I haven't played CS since this shit went live I hope when I finally get a chance to play it's not as bad as you guys make it. If so, it might be a counterstrike killer.


Professional Cocksucker
why is the brightness cranked up so high? ive literally put it all the way to the right under options and its still really bright...