DARKLY Regular
Sorry didn't bother to read since you didn't bother to press space.
do you even play on the servers...Then go to a pub for all I care. This isn't for combat.
do you even play on the servers...
Yeah, people don't only trade... Spawn camping is still a problem on the servers since people just like to casually play the game (kill) on darkly servers.
Please post pics or a video of this fine map you speak of so the rest of the world can see it.
May I make a suggestion to the spawncamp issue? On some trade_plaza servers I see team colored orbs above the team's spawn that if any enemy gets near the orb shocks them with lightning till they're dead. Just a suggestion, and I dunno the actual plug-in.
~ Spawn camping and killing 'friendlies'
Spawn camping and killing players being 'friendly' are entirely permissible; players may kill whomever they like.