*New* Scrim Tourney thread

.44 caliber

TD Admin
lol, look what the cat dragged in. This tourney must be gettin popular if all the ppl who are too cool for css are comin to play. Whos next, fuckin Leroy?


TD Member
Team 360


6th man: Nivek

Add me and flawless [posted this in the other thread also]


TD Admin
i mean do we even need to have the scrim now? we know who the winner is going to be, hehe

Nice team guys:


TD Admin
lol, i never give up, they will have to pry the AK from hands before i let them tread on me. I am actually looking to give team 360 an ass whoopin, ya'll didn't kno i have been sand baggin ya. hehe


Future Ban List Occupant
do i have to make my own team before 7 tonight? no one fucking picked me, you cream puffs. I am recruiting!


TD Member
hey 44 snipe is on my team.. he been out west told him today is deadline to register. i suspect he will. also, if awyea has changed his mind (bout ringin), i would take him on my team as well

.44 caliber

TD Admin
@keyzer, snipe, james, and Get-merked

If you didnt sign up before deadline, you're not in the tourney. Not a hard concept. I will add you as ringers but the teams are set in stone . I informed you all that if you did not pick your own team by wednesday Jan 25th, I would take the extras and form a team.

Now if keyzer can convince the others on his team to drop from play and you all sub in then thats fine with me. I do know that Commander Abdul, Sgt. Ducky and Danny all signed up well before the deadline and they get priority over you tardy motherfuckers.

8 teams were signed up yesterday and only 8 teams are playing in this tourney.