*New* Scrim Tourney thread


TD Admin / Queerbécois
Yeh, the way it goes, we should have plenty of teams for this No-Money Tourney :P

.44 caliber

TD Admin
I'm glad to see so many new faces, but I will issues a reminder. TD tourneys in the past flopped due to lack of interest and people flaking and letting their team down.


You will keep up with the current events regarding the tourney and remain in close contact with your team members. You will show up for your agreed matches and play for fun and not get too fucking mad, emo, stupid, or just plain fucking immature. Failure to comply with decent common sense for this tourney will cause you to be banned from future scrim tournaments and possibly all others. That being said I hope this turns out well and look forward to it.

.44 caliber

TD Admin
@ Hadriel

I appreciate you signing up your buddies and all but they need to come on the forums and register if they want in. Your team does not currently exist because of this and will be exempt from the tourney otherwise. The reason for this being that we have tried letting randoms in our tourneys before and they tend to not give a flying fuck about overall success. Showing that they have taken the time to register on the forums and say hi means the latter and that they DO in fact give a shit. Thats all I ask. Comprendé?


DARKLY Regular
Let me know if any of the teams in place now lose one or someone changes their mind, I can't form a team but maybe I can sub in if someone flops.

.44 caliber

TD Admin
First come first serve. Most likely gonna be people left over. All I can do is make teams out of the people who signed up first. Left over people will be ringers.


A Little Darkly
@ Hadriel

I appreciate you signing up your buddies and all but they need to come on the forums and register if they want in. Your team does not currently exist because of this and will be exempt from the tourney otherwise. The reason for this being that we have tried letting randoms in our tourneys before and they tend to not give a flying fuck about overall success. Showing that they have taken the time to register on the forums and say hi means the latter and that they DO in fact give a shit. Thats all I ask. Comprendé?

Fair enough, I'll let them know.

We had a quick question on the format as well, is it pool play or a bracket? And if bracket, single or double elim?

I'm also assuming we're going to get more precise times for games as this approaches. My team is good for the weekend, but they can't spend the WHOLE weekend just sitting on css idling and waiting for people to show up as we have 3 players that will me in the midst of midterms and will need time to study.


I'm New Here
Playing for Hadriel's team (now if we can only get Luke to register/post here) We got a great team set up, your not gonna wanna mess with us. capisce

.44 caliber

TD Admin
Sounds like a threat against my MAN-PRIDE! You're ass is grass and foots the lawn mower!

If I miss anyone who posts in here on my master list (1st page) Give me shit cause I don't wanna miss a thang.

.44 caliber

TD Admin
Pwnion and I are forming a team for this as well... we are waiting for a confirmation or two, however we will need one more person probably.... One man or cranny, join us :P

post this dream team of yours by tomorrow spinny, otherwise you may not like the alternative.