*New* Scrim Tourney thread


A Little Darkly
aightskies, yea if we only have that many teams than it wouldn't make sense, sounds good.

And agreed, I'm all for a small buy-in, but I think we should run something without one first just to make sure things run smoothly.


TD Admin
I heard about this tourney from Holy and was interested if anyone needs another player, I don't play as much as I used to but I'm sure it'll be lots of fun. So count me in.


TD Admin
As of right now this is the list of people i have for the scrim.

TD| halfbaKedchef
TD| .44 Caliber
TD| TomServo
TD| Bob From Accounting
TD| Ender
TD| Arc
TD| ItsaChris
TD| Brades
TD| Cock of Fur
TD| dead mike
TD| Larcimosa
TD| $tve
TD| skd_mrk
TD| Awyeah
Commander Abdul

That's 21 people so far - if I missed anyone let me know. I know there are some more TD| members that would love to support our cause.

.44 caliber

TD Admin
-Feb 17th is the start of reading week for a lot of people and that is not a good time as people leave for holidays. Lets try a week sooner on the 10th of feb. It shouldn't take us that long to get organized.

-I never imagined this happening in one day with more than 4 teams, but having a server setup all day would be plausible. That requires commitment from brades or skd I assume?

-Definitely no money this time around because we're not ready for that yet.

Come to the rule thread guys.

.44 caliber

TD Admin
As of right now this is the list of people i have for the scrim.

TD| halfbaKedchef
TD| .44 Caliber
TD| TomServo
TD| Bob From Accounting
TD| Ender
TD| Arc
TD| ItsaChris
TD| Brades
TD| Cock of Fur
TD| dead mike
TD| Larcimosa
TD| $tve
TD| skd_mrk
TD| Awyeah
Commander Abdul

That's 21 people so far - if I missed anyone let me know. I know there are some more TD| members that would love to support our cause.

some of those people have not replied to this thread. Formal sign-up is required and if those people do not, then they are exempt from your list derpenstein


A Little Darkly
feb 10 works for me. lmk when we decide # of players per team and I'll get my other guys to post up for official registration.

I'll get my 5 for the time being.


Troll of the Year Nominee
Hey guys, I'd like to sign up to be a ringer - don't fully know the maps and nade placements, etc. but I can follow general strats.

I'm also just getting settled into my new job for my weekly schedules are irregular until they can figure out what would work for the others, so I guess I will be on when I can be. :S

.44 caliber

TD Admin
Hey guys, I'd like to sign up to be a ringer - don't fully know the maps and nade placements, etc. but I can follow general strats.

I'm also just getting settled into my new job for my weekly schedules are irregular until they can figure out what would work for the others, so I guess I will be on when I can be. :S

Tourney will run weekend of feb 10th- 12th. 24 hour days to organize and complete games as long as you can get an admin to help you lo3. If you can be at your comp that weekend, thats all the confirmation we need.