New Laptop/Computer


Professional Cocksucker
Since the cocksuckers at Lenovo keep pushing back my order and this one mother fucker just tried to tell me its going to be shipped 01/02/2012. After i told him thats impossible... he tells me thats what it says. Im going to try to cancel my order and get something else.

Is there anywhere i should look specifically in regards to getting a new machine/building one? I know nothing.


Blackpulse Admin
If you know nothing about building one, then I would suggest one of two things. First option is the obvious one which is to buy a pre built (pre determined parts) or a custom built (your part choosing). Second option which I did this past summer which was find a friend who is knowledgeable at building computers and head their advice, especially if it is in their area of expertise (IT Tech guru). Have them show you how to build it. Simply put you build while they shadow you.

As for places to buy, it depends on where you live. Canada or US?


Professional Cocksucker
If you know nothing about building one, then I would suggest one of two things. First option is the obvious one which is to buy a pre built (pre determined parts) or a custom built (your part choosing). Second option which I did this past summer which was find a friend who is knowledgeable at building computers and head their advice, especially if it is in their area of expertise (IT Tech guru). Have them show you how to build it. Simply put you build while they shadow you.

As for places to buy, it depends on where you live. Canada or US?
Yah i meant by picking the parts and what not. How much does labour go for?

Also, Canada.


Blackpulse Admin
I'm not sure exactly where good places in Canada there are to buy, I know for a fact someone here knows where because I have seen it suggested before however I can't remember the name. As for labor, I would guess anywhere from $50 to 100. However that is just my personal experience.


Professional Cocksucker
I'm not sure exactly where good places in Canada there are to buy, I know for a fact someone here knows where because I have seen it suggested before however I can't remember the name. As for labor, I would guess anywhere from $50 to 100. However that is just my personal experience.
Yah i had a read through the other thread Brains made but i dont plan on forking out 2 grand.

Is it possible to get something decent for a g-note?


Professional Cocksucker
That looks affordable... sadly its in the states and i think id get raped with the $ conversion.

Edit: noticed i can change the prices from US to Canadian, comes out to 1200. not too bad.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Shorty, for sure you can end up with a really nice machine for a Grand or less. Think you can easily save money on (for the time being; upgrade down the line if you really feel it necessary), such as:
- Buy just 4GB's of ram to start
- You don't need an ssd, however you could just get a smaller one (60GB) to start
- Use stock cooling for your processor (just don't overclock it until you purchase a nice heatsink/fan combo for it
- You don't need a massive power supply, pending which cpu/gpu you end up with. Sticking one good gpu is much better (on budget, and power) than going with an SLI/Crossfire setup. Less headache too.

Any advice you need, holler mang.


Professional Cocksucker
Shorty, for sure you can end up with a really nice machine for a Grand or less. Think you can easily save money on (for the time being; upgrade down the line if you really feel it necessary), such as:
- Buy just 4GB's of ram to start
- You don't need an ssd, however you could just get a smaller one (60GB) to start
- Use stock cooling for your processor (just don't overclock it until you purchase a nice heatsink/fan combo for it
- You don't need a massive power supply, pending which cpu/gpu you end up with. Sticking one good gpu is much better (on budget, and power) than going with an SLI/Crossfire setup. Less headache too.

Any advice you need, holler mang.

Yah i have no idea where to begin. I dont even know how to over clock to be honest so i dont think that is going to be an issue.

From what i remember 47 telling me the other day, an ssd (even a small one) is handy to boot up quicker/slap on my most used programs on to access quicker.

Just been browsing, looking at peoples builds to get a general idea of costs.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Yes, 47's spot on the money. It's definitely a nice upgrade - one you'll notice, for sure.

I recently bought an i5-3570K on black friday, so I'm going to build around that. It cost me 150, but reg. price (I think) is about 220.


CPU - 250
Motherboard - 300
Power Supply - 200
Case - 120
Ram - 30
Video Card - 300
1200, tax in. This is, of course, a very rough estimate, and it could be actually be much lower.
For me, I'll only be needing a motherboard, ram, and whenever finances allow, a better GPU.

I'm building another plexiglass case (I have a good case to use in the interim), and already own some good SSD's, optical drive, a good PSU and possibly even CPU Heatsink/fan combo (I'm not so sure it will fit Socket 1150, for i5. I doubt it :( )

If I may ask, what do you plan to be using your computer for? Perhaps I can find some well-known parts combos and price some stuff out for you. As for building, it's fairly easy as everything only plugs in one-way - it's hard to fuck up. Do not pay for labour to build it - hell, I know you're close to me, I'll come build it for you. Oh, and I'll give you Win7 Ultimate 64-bit :D


Blackpulse Admin
In general, you will most likely want for $1000

CPU: I5-3570k
CPU Cooler- Since you might not overclock but maybe in the future you can use the stock and replace in the future or get a decent popular one CM 212 EVO. Simple for your build and gets the job done.
Mobo: Asus/Gigabyte/MSI - Z77
Ram: Corsair/GSkill/ etc.. 4gb or 8gb (2x2) or (2x4)
Storage- SSD (if the money is there for it) Samsung 830/840/Crucial M4/Intel 530- 60/64gb -120/128gb
HDD 1tb-2tb 7200rpm 32/64 cache. Western Digital or Seagate
Video Card- Get the best you can afford
Case- Not my area so someone else chime in
Power Supply: Corsair/Antec/Seasonic - if you want to crossfire or sli in the future 750w should be fine, if not 550w should suffice
Optical drive - cheapest one


Drinking your tears
Nothing for me to say here... the lads nailed it. Hardest part left is picking a case that isn't ugly yet has decent airflow, and has USB3.0 ports on the front with mobo headers, not rear board plugins.

Click the link my sig for more ideas in and around your price point (likely Tier 4 or 5) and adapt for Canada/US price differences and then pick a vendor (I prefer NCIX --- assembly $50 or $75 for premium cabling that is unlikely in your case and they price match via Canadian URL)


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
whatever u decide to get, sb, get it all on boxing week. be ready u must!


Professional Cocksucker
Leaving for work now, thanks for all the input thus far. Ill have a read/research the stuff posted in the morning when i get home.