
A Little Darkly

Pistol: sucks, slower + pyros even more annoying , who cares about a little more health and no fal dmg with downgrades like that?
baby face: seems cool with the accuracy and speed boost, might have to try it out, but probably will drop it because of the dmg and speed loss
carbine: seems good IMO, only big drawback to me is the firing speed, because it already has a pretty big clip, and crits dont do that much anyways
Heatsman: You good at headshots? Get it.
Bazooka: whoah. seems cool, only thing is, i have no idea how you "overload" it, seems really cool otherwise
scorch: i weaker detonator then can knock back enemies, so? (unimpressed)
No one cares what you think. :>

I'm not fancying any of those weapons, I'll stick to the old fashioned Sniper Rifle and SMG.


DARKLY Regular
Im probably going to buy it all to tell you the truth. Don't care if it's bad or not lol

Also, it says to hold fire and it will add more for the bazooka.


TD Admin / Wanker
The Bazooka and Sniper look awesome IMO.
Will defo be getting that Sniper Rifle.

The new SMG though, will give it a try but I prefer the extra health from Danger Shield.


TF2 Admin
The scout set is fine is big open areas. Honestly though, not a big fan of the rocket launcher, hard to actually do right. The sniper rifle, great, but I see way too many people bodyshotting on every shot with it. The smg, eh, big fan of the jarate :P.

Scorch shot ---> avoid, shotgun is the best secondary for pyro.