New headset advice


TD Admin


DARKLY Regular
Don't get the SteelSeries Siberia V2. I own a pair, and the right cup's sound sometimes cuts off. I don't usually use the right side though because I have to hear my parents call me from upstairs (I'm in the basement)

I wanna try to save for a new headset, but my parents won't let me :(

DARKLY | Pixar's Ham

DARKLY Regular
Don't get a lifechat headset, I've gotten two so far and I can prove that they're ****.

First one broke after a few months resulting in my microphone emitting static instead of audio, probably had to do with the wires so I bought another.

Second one broke after a month resulting in my microphone emitting static instead of audio, and this time my left headphone completely shut off. I'm still using it to this day, it really sucks.

But I have to say, they were both around 40 dollars each which is probably why the quality is so crap.


TD Admin / Wanker
I thought I was the only one with problems on their right side.
I use Turtlebeach X12s and when adjusting the volume if I leave the slider in a certain place i get no sound in my right side. So I have to fiddle with it for a bit before i hear from both sides again...