Fork Included
TD Admin
usually this map is no problem, but hwatever you faggots did to it, it fucking pluments to 40-30 with just a fwe people on screen, esp when you're up high
fuck that shit
*flip desk
fuck that shit
*flip desk
*flip desk with shitty computer*
*flip desk with Dell
Out of curiosity, CPU model and usage % when this happens?
GeForce GTX480
8 gigs of 800mhz ram
like i said, i've never complained about CS:Source running on my system
usually this map is no problem, but hwatever you faggots did to it, it fucking pluments to 40-30 with just a fwe people on screen, esp when you're up high
fuck that shit
*flip desk
instead of being the typical, unappreciative part-time cocksucker that you are, you could ask a little nicer next time.
What map is that? ad_egon_world_td?Naaah, I noticed it myself and am really unhappy with it. Cock has an older version of my map that apparently had zero problems (fps-wise), so I'll just do the same spawn mods and radar for that version, name it rc2 and done.