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New choice of the fags of America


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
It is real, they used to call cigarettes fags and in europe they still do. and Gay was happy at one time.


TD Admin
so when and how did fags (smokes) come to be gay people?

ooh i know this one

a Faggot once meant "a bundle of sticks", so men referred to thier women as Faggots, kind of like how we call them Baggage nowadays.
So the word faggot became used to describe women, and then also used to describe effeminate men (TEH GAYS), and that became so popular that faggot no longer referred to women, but men.

I dont know why ciggritts are referred to as fags, maybe because a pack of them resembles a Bundle of sticks.

iseize is educated on teh faggots.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
lol the fascist universal symbol is a bundle of sticks


italy 1930-1940 fascist flag
