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NEw Babt


TD Admin
Well guys as most of you know the new baby is on the way. From some of you i know u guys have kids. If u guys could possibly tke time to possibly send me a mail letter with some items you may think of im probably missing. I have alot of items but im sure there are things Im not thinknig of . Thank you again and ill be sure to make a TD shirt for my little girl. HAHA

AS always
You probably have your bases covered with diapers, wipes, formula, bottles, clothes.

What you'll really need is patience for the first few weeks, your life is going to change dramaticly but you will get used to it after awile. Sleep when your baby sleeps if that's possible, don't expect him/her to follow your schedule :), you need to follow their's.

Remember a baby can't do anything for itself, you and your wife are it's sole provider, of course you'd be pissed if you couldn't tell anyone what's wrong! he/she will cry for anything & everything, try to understand what they are crying for sooner than later, it helps a ton! My 3 month old will stick out her tounge if she's hungry, pout when she's tired and just want to be held and rocked until she falls asleep.

After a few months they'll sleep through the night (if your lucky), and things will get better, hang in there and enjoy parenthood. Oh, and don't forget to take as many pictures / videos as you can, they grow up soo fast it's nuts, mine is already twice her birth size.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
congrats buddy, if your baby keeps crying probably got a wet diaper, they flippin piss like every 10 mins.

protips (asked my wifey) ;)

- huggies or pampers brand diapers or GTFO (no-names have a will-leak guarentee) you'll save, but then lose on ruined shit stained clothes
- sudocreme is the best diaper cream
- you can bite the babies nails, clippers probably gonna hurt the baby a little bit, stops them from having scratches all over their face
- get your wife a "push gift" (ps3, pearl necklace or something she will like)
- also there's a really good book you might have seen already, pic related, it's legit reference and you can use it to verify whether or not someones advice is good or not...
- crib/swing (safe place to store baby when your contemplating tossing her out the window), place to change diapers, bath, also breast feeding > forumla if your wife can handle it... there's a whole next level of advice for that shit.
