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need help with finding a good gameing headset

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TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
get something without a volume controller in the middle of the wire, thats usually the part the craps out.


TD Member
Dont go usb, they have integrated sound drivers and bypass your sound card. Sucks ass unless you have the dirtiest sound card or on board sound. I have a steelseries 5H V2 headset and I love it. Sennheiser also makes great stuff, and they have a large range based on your budget. If you plan on spending a bit of money on a good headset a good sound card is a must have, any of the X-Fi stuff from creative is good. Lowest end will cost you 50 bones, id spend $100 and get X-FI Xtreme Gamer


TD Member
I use USB works fine for gaming.

Yeah it does work fine, but a dedicated sound card is so much better. I just think if you are going to spend a lot of money on a nice headset, then a sound card is a must have. USB is great if you are on a budget and your on board audio sucks.


Staff member
Zalamn ZM-RS6F real 5.1 like the ark8 from trutle beach but for around 50$ there are a ton of stores that ship things to Canada Just search for them ----> www.froogle.com
if anything just go eBay!


TD Admin (and LiR)
get something without a volume controller in the middle of the wire, thats usually the part the craps out.

My headset has one of those and for the past couple months its been fucking up cause of that
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