Need a server for preliminary testing (pictures included) - de_tenebrous_a1

Hello TD community,

I am a regular on the server, and a local player, as well as an aspiring amatuer mapper.

I am in need of a server to do some gameplay testing for my very first public release.

It would be great if you could add my map to the voting list so I could encourage people to vote for it while I am around and get some feedback from players.

If an admin could PM me I will provide them with a link for the download.

This is just an Alpha version of the map, the intent is to make sure the layout works, so it is not too pretty, and is definetly not optimized.

[link=^_tenebrous/de^_tenebrous^_a10009.jpg]Here are some pictures.
EDIT: [link=^_tenebrous/de^_tenebrous^_a1.bsp]This is the link for the BSP[/link]

HoT Ho11oW PoiNT

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Ya I told Hot Hollow to post here... I always welcome cool new custom maps to the server, let's see what Prop says and maybe we'll get a test out of it or something...
I edited my first message with a link to the alpha version of the map.

Thanks for all your help, and as for 'glaring issues', like I said it is a very early build, some roofs are missing, or not properly clipped off, but you be the judge and if you want me to put in a couple more days work before you playtest thats cool.

I also can't wait to see this baby in action with real, live people instead of stupid bots who don't even utilize half the map. Keep me posted as to what you think.
I have a new version of the map with more additions, fixes, and optimizations. I will post it sometime between tomorrow and Thursday after I do a few more things. Hopefully we can test the new version this weekend! See you in game.

HoT Ho11oW PoiNT