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Narf? Nerf? Greg?

Brains Is A Fag

DARKLY Regular
So, in all the hype of me joining the forum I was introduced to my alter ego, Narf!, which isn't me, however is me (ya dig?). Anyway, it's been brought to my attention that, "the real Narf's left testicle has more awesome in it than

your entire being.' So, in hearing this I would like a name change, but I'm not sure what my name should be.

My reasoning:
Now, although there may not be too many Narfs, I'd like a unique name. Something to define me more than a portion of one's testicle. I want your guys' suggestions, ideas, sexual innuendos, anything to help me spark a name.

Maybe I'll post a poll or something with my top picks, and from there you guys can pick yourselves. I'd just like to be something more than a copy, if you understand.

Thanks guys,

My name is not fucking Greg.


TD Admin (and LiR)
So, in all the hype of me joining the forum I was introduced to my alter ego, Narf!, which isn't me, however is me (ya dig?). Anyway, it's been brought to my attention that, "the real Narf's left testicle has more awesome in it than

your entire being.' So, in hearing this I would like a name change, but I'm not sure what my name should be.

My reasoning:
Now, although there may not be too many Narfs, I'd like a unique name. Something to define me more than a portion of one's testicle. I want your guys' suggestions, ideas, sexual innuendos, anything to help me spark a name.

Maybe I'll post a poll or something with my top picks, and from there you guys can pick yourselves. I'd just like to be something more than a copy, if you understand.

Thanks guys,
Your name is Greg


I'm feeling Carlton