[quote1282188484=vinny paz]
yeah my buddy has an arbor board and he gets way more speed wobbles then i do. we would grab onto the back of buses when i lived in seattle to ride back up the hill for another run, and i imagine the bus would get up to 50-60km/hr and i had nothing, but my buddy would get the wobbles pretty bad.
but yes its flat i guess, has a "W" mold to it though. but i DO need a new one, the grip tape is smooth in places and the board has cracks in the nose :p
how do the pros stop?
That's extreme lol. Your board can handle a lot of it can take 60k and not get wobbles. Usually if the trucks are tighter then it's more stable and won't wobble at high speeds, but then it's tighter and you can't make turns as sharply.
There are lots of ways to stop, including footbrakes, carving, sliding, and use their body to catch wind and slow down. Have you ever tried sliding to make an instant stop?
I would suggest a drop deck for you. Since the drop brings your board lower to the ground, it's was easier to kick and foot break because you don't have to bend your knees much. Do you usually ride hills, or do you just cruise around?
yesh mine aren't too tight at all. (insert inuendo) ?spelling
for sliding to stop i've only done it a few times.. by accident when going around a corner too fast and i slip out kinda. and other times i've slipped out and rolled hard lol.
i would love hills, unfortunately i live in the middle of f*&%'n continent (winnipeg), so its flat. so my buddies and i take to the parkades downtown, its not too bad. but nothing like seattle and those surrounding suburbs, its insane.
warning. this video is kinda gay. its of my friend and i 3 years ago, from when i lived in seattle. i am better then i was then lol. and the in promptue monologue by my friend is cheesy. just so you know. our friend likes to make videos but its horrible quality. we don't say anything to her about it lol. but shows us on the back of the bus going through the U-district.
what is there to do in t-dot? hills much? i've never been.