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My website finally launched today

vinny paz

TD Admin
Hey guys, as some of you know a friend and I started a longboarding business where we build custom longboards from the ground up. After four months of work the website finally launched today.

Longboarding is getting more and more popular. This summer I've been seeing them all over the GTA, and next year I imagine it will be even bigger. Some of you probably longboard or know of people who do. If that's the case then let them know about us. :)

Anyways, check out the website



TD Member / Gay Gyoza
"His favourite foods are pizza and lobster." I loled. Good luck!


TD Member
nice design, i used to do sales for a webdesign company and we specilized in SEO
basicly its how easy it is for people to find your site online, that link is one of the tools we used to evaluate a website on how acsesible it is.

Good luck with the business tho if i meet anyone who longboards il pass this along for sure


TD Admin
lol turd furg, funny name.

sweet! nice work vinny.

lub the longboarding... have had a sector 9 for about 3 years now, from the bamboo series. not the racing kind. maybe need a new one?

vinny paz

TD Admin
Hey Bob. Sector 9s are good beginner board, but you're right about it not being a racing board. I would not recommend going down any steep hills with it. They tend to wobble and get really unstable at high speeds. Plus I'm assuming you have the flat board. How do you brake with that?

vinny paz

TD Admin
Thanks man :) There are still several kinks to work out, like with paypal and some spelling/grammar errors.

BTW Clash that link is great! Definitely useful. I wonder if I could bring it from 39 to 90% that would be amazing.


TD Admin
[quote1281826840=vinny paz]
Hey Bob. Sector 9s are good beginner board, but you're right about it not being a racing board. I would not recommend going down any steep hills with it. They tend to wobble and get really unstable at high speeds. Plus I'm assuming you have the flat board. How do you brake with that?
i drag my foot on the ground lol, gone thru one pair of shoes so far, well only the one shoe was done. its really effective for me though.

yeah my buddy has an arbor board and he gets way more speed wobbles then i do. we would grab onto the back of buses when i lived in seattle to ride back up the hill for another run, and i imagine the bus would get up to 50-60km/hr and i had nothing, but my buddy would get the wobbles pretty bad.

but yes its flat i guess, has a "W" mold to it though. but i DO need a new one, the grip tape is smooth in places and the board has cracks in the nose :p

how do the pros stop?

Nick P!

TD Member
Things look pretty good but you really need to reduce the filesize on your background image. ~330K is a bit much...

Other than that, very nice.

vinny paz

TD Admin

yeah my buddy has an arbor board and he gets way more speed wobbles then i do. we would grab onto the back of buses when i lived in seattle to ride back up the hill for another run, and i imagine the bus would get up to 50-60km/hr and i had nothing, but my buddy would get the wobbles pretty bad.

but yes its flat i guess, has a "W" mold to it though. but i DO need a new one, the grip tape is smooth in places and the board has cracks in the nose :p

how do the pros stop?

That's extreme lol. Your board can handle a lot of it can take 60k and not get wobbles. Usually if the trucks are tighter then it's more stable and won't wobble at high speeds, but then it's tighter and you can't make turns as sharply.

There are lots of ways to stop, including footbrakes, carving, sliding, and use their body to catch wind and slow down. Have you ever tried sliding to make an instant stop?

I would suggest a drop deck for you. Since the drop brings your board lower to the ground, it's was easier to kick and foot break because you don't have to bend your knees much. Do you usually ride hills, or do you just cruise around?


TD Admin
[quote1282188484=vinny paz]

yeah my buddy has an arbor board and he gets way more speed wobbles then i do. we would grab onto the back of buses when i lived in seattle to ride back up the hill for another run, and i imagine the bus would get up to 50-60km/hr and i had nothing, but my buddy would get the wobbles pretty bad.

but yes its flat i guess, has a "W" mold to it though. but i DO need a new one, the grip tape is smooth in places and the board has cracks in the nose :p

how do the pros stop?

That's extreme lol. Your board can handle a lot of it can take 60k and not get wobbles. Usually if the trucks are tighter then it's more stable and won't wobble at high speeds, but then it's tighter and you can't make turns as sharply.

There are lots of ways to stop, including footbrakes, carving, sliding, and use their body to catch wind and slow down. Have you ever tried sliding to make an instant stop?

I would suggest a drop deck for you. Since the drop brings your board lower to the ground, it's was easier to kick and foot break because you don't have to bend your knees much. Do you usually ride hills, or do you just cruise around?

yesh mine aren't too tight at all. (insert inuendo) ?spelling

for sliding to stop i've only done it a few times.. by accident when going around a corner too fast and i slip out kinda. and other times i've slipped out and rolled hard lol.

i would love hills, unfortunately i live in the middle of f*&%'n continent (winnipeg), so its flat. so my buddies and i take to the parkades downtown, its not too bad. but nothing like seattle and those surrounding suburbs, its insane.

warning. this video is kinda gay. its of my friend and i 3 years ago, from when i lived in seattle. i am better then i was then lol. and the in promptue monologue by my friend is cheesy. just so you know. our friend likes to make videos but its horrible quality. we don't say anything to her about it lol. but shows us on the back of the bus going through the U-district. http://www.youtube.com/user/elamorgan#p/a/u/2/ypcfNOuB7T8

what is there to do in t-dot? hills much? i've never been.

vinny paz

TD Admin
hahahaha that video was sweet. Parking garages are always a good time. Toronto has a lot of those obviously, but I wouldn't ride there due to insane amounts of vehicles. When I started boarding I noticed for the first time that downtown Toronto is almost completely flat, no hills anywhere. Cruising Toronto on a board still beats the shit out of walking though. I'm from Newmarket so we got tons of hills and bike trails to ride through. If I'm not driving you better believe I'm biking. A few days ago I got to grab onto my mechanics trailer while he drove around the neighborhood. I don't think he went over 40 but holy shit, it felt fast and I was holding on for dear life, especially when he made turns.

Also, if you want to practice sliding or get good then you need sliding gloves in order to prevent grinding your palms off on the pavement. You'll feel about ten times safer wearing them as well.