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my son

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TD Admin
i posted this in funny videos, but no one saw it, or they didn't reply, this is my son at 6 months, when all he could say was "dada", and he couldn't crawl, but he could shuffle backwards...he's almost 10 months now...and he says "mama" too and he crawls everywhere by himself and he can stand up on his own with the help of any piece of furniture he can reach...and he walks really good with a little help from daddy...

[link=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYpfRioy_wA]video here[/link]


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
thats awesome man !!! you kid is only gonna get better ! wait till he start saying "gimme some money, pops!" :D


TD Admin
Pyroette said "cutie pie" she right!, however when baby Curtis turns 2 years old please send me a video :D


TD Admin
nice boy cranswick!
i'm still deciding between pediatrics or OR nursing once i'm done school because babies are so awesome!


TD Member
Good deal, my kids 9 months and has the same car and he's lazy, I have to push him around on it. Funny thing too is he has the same horse.


TD Admin
wow, prop, you my wife, or my alter ego??

or maybe just coincidence?

lol, you know how the seat spreads apart? he can almost walk the thing, but face plants quite often, doesn;'t seem to bother him, though, he's very curious and motivated...he sometimes even mounts and dismounts by himself...my g/f and i look at eachother weird like, " did you put him there?"

lol, he's very mobile, he can crawl pretty fast so we gotta keep a sharp eye, one time he went missing, and we found him in our bedroom sitting on the floor in the dark clapping his hands, rofl!


Hacking Faggot
thats awesome dude, like nb said.. Keep that camera rolling dude it's times like that you wont wanna forget when they are older.

Congrats bro
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