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my name is Adam Davis


TD Admin
i tried to get my little bro to play css...he says it sucks ass...spoiled fkin kid gets every game he wants, never gained that appreciation for the classics

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
I had a brother on here before. Mr. Pink. His gaming pc went to the dumpster and he hasnt built a new one yet.

Soo many brothers up in this joint.


2011 Troll of the Year
Welcome to TD dude

dont listen to the trolls, if ur half as chill as ur bro, you're already my bff

totally 3/4 as chill as my brah, <3 you dude.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
[quote1285376323=LoW BuDgEt]
Soo many brothers up in this joint.

That's cause we can only trust family, and family of friends... fuckin hackers! lol