
Retired Scrub
Yesterday/earlier this morning, I beat my first MvM mission. Sir X:, Fear The Elderly, a few randoms and I played Rottenburg. I played kritz sticky demo, Fear was heavy, Sir X switched between scout and spy, and the randoms were medic, engineer, and pyro. We beat 6 waves, but after about a dozen failed attempts at the final 7th wave, Sir X had to get off for the night as did 2 of the randoms. The other random ragequit, so the original team was down to Fear and I.

After a couple more attempts (that failed miserably), we got a Phlog pyro, a pocket medic, a spy, and a soldier, and we just owned the last wave. The pocket medic was great at keeping me (and himself) alive and full of kritz and we tore the giants apart in minutes. It was amazing. :somuchwin:

Didn't get anything too spectacular from it. Best thing was a Specialized Killstreak Fabricator for the Candy Cane, but I don't really mind. I was just happy to beat my first MvM mission.


Senior TF2 Admin
You usually get a spec kit at the end of a tour, so you got good loot. If you plan on finishing the tour, let me know. I can med. :P


Retired Scrub
I may do another late night tour tonight if I can get my hands on a ticket for a good price. I really like these Two Cities maps. The main reason I didn't like the other maps is that they were just kinda boring, so I didn't want to play on them. I'm still determined to beat Mannhatten.

I've learned to accept that I'm not a great Scout in MvM, but I do pretty well with a maxed out Sticky Launcher, but I guess as long as you have a vague understanding of how to use the weapon, it's not hard to use xD

In all honesty, I tried MvM yesterday in the slim hopes of getting an Australium, but when I was actually playing it, I was only focused on actually beating the mission. I actually forgot about the loot until we beat wave 7 and when I did get the loot, I got a lot more than I thought.


DARKLY Regular
You may buy my ticket for full price. Most people would do 3.44, or even higher, I am just doing 3.33 because I have no desire for metal right now. You can send a trade offer if you wish to buy the ticket.


Retired Scrub

Sent a trade offer :D

I'll probably be doing another run tonight as Demo. If anyone is any good at Kritz medic and knows of some other guys ready for some Two Cities, let me know.
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Retired Scrub
We did it again!

Matthew, Fear and I, along with Schrodinger, IronCookie and Tick's friend Hypno, took down Hamlet Hostility in Rottenburg. We got caught up on Wave 3 and we were all getting so frustrated, so we decided no Engineer. I decided to take Fears place on Heavy when he went Phlog pyro (which he excelled at), Matthew was doing an EPIC job as Medic keeping me full of Kritz and calling out spies and stuff. Hypno grabbed a lot of money and made a lot of great assists as Scout. Iron Cookie pumped out a lot of damage as Demo. Schro slowed down the waves with his sapper and we tore it up. :D

For the last wave, Fear and I were Phlogs and we cut it close, but we took the tanks down in one go.

:somuchwin: :loveit:


Retired Scrub
I did it yet again!

This time, I wasn't able to find people I knew to join me, so I decided, "Fuck it, let's go random." I chose the first Mannhatten mission, hit search and hoped for the best. And god damn, did I find the best. We had an engineer, medic, heavy, scout, spy and demo (me) and we were perfect on every wave. Our scout was on point every time, picking up every single credit and catching almost any enemy that slipped by. Our Engie knew exactly where to be and where to lead the sentry busters for them to get stuck. It was incredible.

On wave 4, we had one scout slip by us and almost plant the bomb, but I sticky jumped across the map and while in mid-air, I plastered him with Stickies (or more accurately, where he would be) and got him. When I landed, the spies arrived and I took care of them (they always go for me ;-; ). I guarded the bomb until it reset, then sticky jumped back to the team and helped take down the rest of the wave.

All I've got left is Metro Malice and I'll have beaten Two Cities. I know it's supposed to be a pain in the ass, but damn it, I want to complete the tour!

Keep the faith, guys! There are randoms out there that know exactly what they are doing!


DARKLY Regular
I got more TOD'S. You can always come to me to buy them, as I quit MvM for now until I have an automated trading bot, or at least premium on my afk account. That way, I can actually do real games.


Retired Scrub
I'll be grabbing one of those TODs from ya in a couple hours.

Anyone interested in taking on Metro Malice late tonight? I got Demo or Heavy if needed.

DARKLY | Pixar's Ham

DARKLY Regular
I actually stopped playing Mann Up mode after my first tour, although it was very fun and satisfying to win against huge hordes of robots, I lost alot of refined from the loot that I got at the end ( Killstreak Rocket Launcher Kit, Spec Killstreak Splendid Screen Fabricator, and a Professional Killstreak Equalizer Fabricator ) . Unfortunately, I will not come back to Mann Up mode, and I even met somebody who's done 47 tours and hasn't received a single australium.



DARKLY Regular
Hey, sorry Cmp™ , I just sold my last ticket for pure. I will try to get another with the amount of metal I have. ;)


Retired Scrub
One Two Cities Tour down!

The Roster:
Tick Tock - Medic (waves 1-3)
Mist - Medic (waves 4-6)
Jewbacabra - Hoovy
TankClash - Soldier
Matthew - Engie
Kings - Scout (waves 1-5), Pyro (wave 6)
Cmp - Demo

It wasn't perfection, but it was just as fun and intense as yesterday's round. Personally, I'd rather have a crazy round of MvM with friends than a perfect round with strangers.
The server was kinda laggy at pretty crappy times, but we managed to pull through. We beat every wave in no more than 3 tries (I think). No fancy plays this time, but we really pulled out some crazy teamwork at the right times, like Matthew and I holding back the giant Pyros on our own.

At the end, there was a glitch with the loot presentation screen and nothing showed up and when we exited the server, nothing. The following conversation took place before we learned we needed to just reboot TF2 >.>
12:59 AM - Darkly | Matthew: did you get your items?
12:59 AM - Darkly | Cmp™: I didn't get anything...
12:59 AM - Darkly | Cmp™: ;-;
12:59 AM - Darkly | Matthew: same...
12:59 AM - Darkly | Matthew: umm
12:59 AM - Darkly | Matthew: I still have my ticket...
1:00 AM - Darkly | Cmp™: Same...
1:00 AM - Darkly | Matthew: <SteamEmoticon>
1:00 AM - Darkly | Cmp™: Fuck's sake...
1:00 AM - Darkly | Matthew: you're kidding me...
1:00 AM - Darkly | Cmp™: FEELZ
1:00 AM - Darkly | Cmp™: FUCK YOU
1:00 AM - Darkly | Cmp™: GLOKdjak;lsdj;lfasdkj;faskjd;fladsj'f
1:00 AM - Darkly | Matthew: wanna do it again? XD
1:00 AM - Darkly | Cmp™: Tomorrow, sure
1:00 AM - Darkly | Cmp™: :P
1:00 AM - Darkly | Matthew: ya for sure
1:00 AM - Darkly | Matthew: fuck that shit
1:00 AM - Darkly | Matthew: thats bs
1:00 AM - Darkly | Cmp™: Yeah.
1:01 AM - Darkly | Matthew: still fun as fuck though
1:01 AM - Darkly | Matthew: I wanna play engi more XD
I got:
Professional Killstreak Kit Fabricator for the Solemn Vow (Manndarin HypnoBeams)
Specialized Killstreak Kit Fabricator for the Kukri (Manndarin)
Killstreak Kit for the Shortstop
A Pristine Robot Currency Digester
and some other parts.


Retired Scrub
Sadly, we couldn't do it this time around. We almost had it so many times, but wave 7 just was too much. I think most of it was a breakdown of communication on the latter waves, because the first 2 waves went great. We got caught up on the 3rd wave, but eventually got past it. Worked our way past wave 6, but even for the hour+ we spent on Wave 7, we couldn't take down the medics quick enough to weaken the giants.



DARKLY Regular
Ok, I am no pro at Mann vs. Machine, but I have literally studied how 2 cites works, I have played it a few times on sandbox mode (on my server with inf ammo and health), and know how to win efficiently. So, here is how it goes.

So, a typical Mann vs. Machine Loadout would be demo, scout, engineer, medic, soldier, and heavy.

From what I played, on Manhattan, you can switch the demo or soldier (most likely soldier) for a sniper with the machina. Remember to always headshot. You may also switch the scout with the soy, as when the robots hit the checkpoints, the spy can easily sap all of them and/or backstab them. On the last wave, it's your choice to switch the spy/scout with another heavy damage dealing class. Personally, it depends on the person playing that class. If their a good spy/scout, let them be. If they are good at damage dealing, make them a damage dealing class. I usually play with either a good scout or an m1 pyro. Both work great.

On rottenbourg, same two steps: the usual Loadout, and the switches. And, there is a SUPER GREAT LOCATION to put the sentry if you are an engineer. I only say it here because I can't find a specific location to out the sentry on Manhattan. Put it in the entrance of the tunnel, back it up a bit, move it SLIGHTLY to the right if your facing the robot spawns, and put the dispenser behind the rock to the left. Have your rescue ranger repair the sentry and dispenser, and if you run out of metal, there is metal and health behind the tunnel, to the right. Also, if things go hectic, out your stuff there. Its a great choke point, and the scout/spy cane easily get the cash. Use the wrangler to attack from a distance, and the jag for faster construction. I say this strategy because my main in Mann vs. Machine is engineer, as I am so good at it. Now, for the last wave, cash out, and go all phlog pyro (except for an engineer, and MAYBE scout/spy), max out phlog and health, and your good to go. It doesn't matter what order you destroy the robots/tanks in, as long as you destroy them all.

This is just my mini guide on how to best 2 cities. If you wanna know Loadout, look it up. ;)