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TD Member
What kind of music do you people listen to ?
I love old school rock`n`roll, The Doors and Bob Dylan being at the top of my list.
Although with 68 gigs of music I listen to just about everything.


TD Member
i listen to and love everything. i think its important for an artist to have a wide variety of genres under their belt becaue if you dont, then you might as well sit around picking your nose.

my favourite genre though will always be alternative rock, even metal is right up there.
im currently obsessed with that techno pop crap :D
[lady gaga, jeffree star, t.a.t.u.]


TD Admin
I listen to any music that takes skill to perform. I could give a shit about a catchy tune if a retarded monkey could play the same notes. METAL all the way, but i do respect and listen to classic rock.
Experimental/Extreme forms of metal, jazz, ambient/instrumental and electronic music. Not to say I don't git down with some Tom Petty here and there. My roommate is also fused to the hip of classic rock so I end up listening to a lot of that shit too.
a little bit of everything but only because I've become desensitized to most of it thanks to my younger sister changing her music taste more often than I change my underware