Moving website w/ database price estimate


TD Admin
Alright, I know we have a few web developers here. Here's my dilemma: Someone that my sister used to work for contacted me because they need a php website with a mysql back end moved from one hosting to another. I had done this for my sis before (just helping her cuz she was in a bind) and they want to know if I can do it, and how expensive it would be.

Now, I already found the config file where I can change the database connection info, so all that would really remain would be to copy all the files. It's not a lot of work, but I just want to give a realistic estimate. I don't want to be like "$20 and I'll do it". In all reality, it'll only take me like an hour tops, so that's not bad but I don't want to miss out on any cash.

What do you guys think, what should I charge these folks? (They run a computer rescue business, so they aren't completely clueless)

Nick P!

TD Member
Most web developers I know charge at least $45 an hour. I would ask for $50 and call it even, if it is only going to take an hour.


TD Admin
[quote1270577035=dead mike]
i would say $100 is probably fair
Yeah, I'm sure I could ask $100 without seeming like a prick but since they know my sister and everything I figured I'd give them the lowest I'd be willing to go. I just hope something stupid doesn't crop up and bite my ass and end up taking me like 5 hours.

I just quoted them $50, we'll see what happens.
Wow! If they went to any company to move MySQL +php front end from one host to another they'd be hit up for thousands. I would think that even $250 or $500 would be a no brainer.

Also, don't think that after you copy everything it will work okay. I've moved php / MySQL DB's a few times... There's always issues with php version differences. It's not that big of a deal if you are familiar with php.ini settings, but can be pretty time-consuming if their php pages use legacy commands.



TD Member
[quote1270686466=Shotgun Jesus]
I'd agree -I charge $50 for a blow job. Anything less than ten inches and it's not even worth the trouble.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
Wow! If they went to any company to move MySQL +php front end from one host to another they'd be hit up for thousands. I would think that even $250 or $500 would be a no brainer.

Also, don't think that after you copy everything it will work okay. I've moved php / MySQL DB's a few times... There's always issues with php version differences. It's not that big of a deal if you are familiar with php.ini settings, but can be pretty time-consuming if their php pages use legacy commands.



+1 . that shit costs $$$. and the motherfuckers can afford it, im sure they are not in the lemonade business. shoda told them $200 or let them find a next fuck for thousands. who cares ppl think ur a dick, at least ull be a dick with hand full of $.