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Motorcyclist Assault SUV in NYC (Debate ongoing.


TD Admin
Watch this video before posting...

So the sequence of goes as following (according to video)...
- Group of Bikers enters freeway
- One Biker cuts off an SUV, gets hit
- SUV pulls over, Biker surrounds SUV
- SUV plows pass group of Bikers
- High speed chase occurs
- Before exiting freeway, biker opens SUV doors
- SUV speeds off, chase continues
- Chase ends in traffic, with bikers smashing SUV windows

In my opinion, the bikers are to blame for the following...
- cutting off the SUV, causing collision
- Surrounding the SUV, pitting him in panic
- Ignoring driver responsibilities (in the video, the bikers drive past red lights and over solid lines)

According to this article (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/30/bikers-assault-suv-driver_n_4016951.html?), the SUV driver, who was with his wife and 2y/o kid, was beaten. One of the bikers who was run over is paralyzed and they want to put the SUV driver at fault. Sympathizers of the SUV drivers say he drove off in self-defence, as his family was in the car.

There is an on-going debate on who should be put responsible for the paralyzed biker and I thought I would post here since we are all nice, polar bear loving, maple syrup filled Canadians.

Note: After reading more, the guy who got run over has a ridiculous criminal record. (http://bostonherald.com/news_opinio.../run_over_mass_biker_has_long_criminal_record)


TD Admin
I'd like to know what started all this in the first place. Did the bikers just surround this SUV randomly? I can understand the guy panicking, especially if he has his fam with him.


Staff member
From what I saw in the video, The SUV driver should have done more not less. Driver really screwed up by getting off the highway, he should gunned it in full reverse before they started to beat his windows.

He should have
#1 stay on the highway
#2 call 911
#3 Record everything

A 911 call or video of your daughter (or wife) screaming because she's scarred would be proof enough for anyone.


TD Admin
I'd like to know what started all this in the first place. Did the bikers just surround this SUV randomly? I can understand the guy panicking, especially if he has his fam with him.

I've read here (http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/national_world&id=9277815) that he just seemed scared. The bikers who cut him felt like he did nothing wrong...

From what I saw in the video, The SUV driver should have done more not less. Driver really screwed up by getting off the highway, he should gunned it in full reverse before they started to beat his windows.

He should have
#1 stay on the highway
#2 call 911
#3 Record everything

A 911 call or video of your daughter (or wife) screaming because she's scarred would be proof enough for anyone.

When I get my car, first thing I'm doing is installing a dash cam.


TD Admin / Wanker
Did...did they beat the Kid and the Wife too?
Because if they did I have officially lost any respect for the bikers in this video.
You see the guy hitting the back window, he obviously saw that there was a kid in there because he stopped trying to smash it.
It was at that point they should have stopped with the rage fest and just apprehended him for insurance details.

I honestly hate the human mentality of "he did something wrong, lets beat him up and show him a lesson!"
I saw enough of that in school, one guy cheats with someones gf, 10 guys kick the crap out of him in a completely unfair fight.

When it comes to a point where people are willing to beat a guy up in front of a 2 year old...
Something needs to be done.


TD Admin
This reminds me of those idiotic semi-truck drivers that cut you off on the highway for no god damn reason. That video really makes me sick, totally the bikers fault in my opinion.

The presence of a child amplifies the morality of the actions. (In this case it's x2 because of both the children)
Those kids are going to be scared for life.


TD Admin
Did...did they beat the Kid and the Wife too?
Because if they did I have officially lost any rshut? ct for the bikers in this video.
You see the guy hitting the back window, he obviously saw that there was a kid in there because he stopped trying to smash it.
It was at that point they should have stopped with the rage fest and just apprehended him for insurance details.

I honestly hate the human mentality of "he did something wrong, lets beat him up and show him a lesson!"
I saw enough of that in school, one guy cheats with someones gf, 10 guys kick the crap out of him in a completely unfair fight.

When it comes to a point where people are willing to beat a guy up in front of a 2 year old...
Something needs to be done.

No, it was just the driver.

I hear ya about the typical mob mentality. Remember when the Canucks lost that one game and everyone lost thier shit? Completely stupid, some people in the mob didn't even watch the game...


TD Member

The video was captured, attorney Andrew Vecere said, when his client, motorcyclist Kevin Bresloff, turned on his helmet camera after he saw a water bottle thrown from the SUV's sunroof toward the bikers. It shows dozens of bikers swarming on Manhattan's West Side Highway. One motorcycle quickly slowed down in front of Lien, who bumped its rear tire, slightly injuring Cruz.
Lien pulled to a stop, and angry bikers surrounded his vehicle, hitting it and spiking its tires, police said.

Edwin Mieses is still in great pain, Dayana Mieses said Tuesday, but he's out of the intensive care unit. A doctor told them "there's a 99% chance my husband will never walk again," she said.
The video shows the Range Rover stopping again -- long enough for a biker to open the door -- and Lien then driving away until traffic forced him to the final stop.

So basically Cruz thought it was a great idea to brake check a 4 tonne vehicle on a freeway on his 350lbs crotch rocket. He got a love tap, which resulted in the other bikers taking that as an open license to spike tires and seriously escalate the situation by OPENING THE DOOR of the SUV. Now let me ask you, if you see your friends idling around in front of a boxed-in SUV on the freeway, do you think it's a smart idea to begin menacing that driver and making him think he's going to get killed by a mob of 200-300 bikers? They should be charged with negligence resulting in injury.


2012 Troll of the Year
I would have done the exact same thing. Who said it was Lien who threw the water bottle, maybe his kid accidently lobbed it out the window?

I'm with you Salvador, dumb dumb dumb, lucky more of those biker idiots didn't lose their lives, and for that kid that won't ever walk again, he won't ever open anybodies door again. Punishment served for being, dumb.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I don't even know why this is up for debate. These clowns think they own shit, like some modern biker mafia, and clearly they don't. If I was mayor, I'd just have them all shot, and bam, no more crime and innocent families afraid to drive on certain roads. I can't stand shit like these faggots and gangs etc. Like North Korea, just line 'em up, and shoot 'em down, issue resolved.


2012 Troll of the Year
I've done some more research. Stop and non-threateningly ask the driver in the black SUV to back off.... riiiiiiight.

Lien could have gone full beast mode, there is no stopping an SUV of that size locked in 4 low. Those idiot elementary school drop outs could have suffered waaay more losses. And that crying lady, so sad, too bad, you married a dummy. I hope he tours in his wheelchair to all of these conventions, educating those still upright on the folly of playing chicken with a 4x4.


TD Admin | Bacon
The scumbag who brake checked the suv, flicked off the judge the second he got into court for his arraignment


Staff member
These clowns think they own shit, like some modern biker mafia, and clearly they don't. If I was mayor, I'd just have them all shot, and bam, no more crime and innocent families afraid to drive on certain roads. I can't stand shit like these faggots and gangs etc. Like North Korea, just line 'em up, and shoot 'em down, issue resolved.

So you'd be come a tyrant, to deal with Gangs. So what separates you from the gang? I'm sure they have families, and here you are killing fathers/mothers or sons/daughters. Through out History this method has been tried many many times, and yet still hasn't worked.

Also North Korea, Do you understand most of the population is massively brain washed?

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
So you'd be come a tyrant, to deal with Gangs. So what separates you from the gang? I'm sure they have families, and here you are killing fathers/mothers or sons/daughters. Through out History this method has been tried many many times, and yet still hasn't worked.

Also North Korea, Do you understand most of the population is massively brain washed?
I know, I agree with you. My post was rash because I'm pissed. It angers me to see a regular family get merked by a bunch of fools.


Staff member
I know, I agree with you. My post was rash because I'm pissed. It angers me to see a regular family get merked by a bunch of fools.

I'm still pondering why the SUV driver didn't just go fucking GTA on them all, then plead temporary insanity due to fear.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I'm still pondering why the SUV driver didn't just go fucking GTA on them all, then plead temporary insanity due to fear.
+1, but that's just it, I guess - fear. He's got his kid in the car.. fight or flight, I guess he was inbetween.


TD Admin

So basically Cruz thought it was a great idea to brake check a 4 tonne vehicle on a freeway on his 350lbs crotch rocket. He got a love tap, which resulted in the other bikers taking that as an open license to spike tires and seriously escalate the situation by OPENING THE DOOR of the SUV. Now let me ask you, if you see your friends idling around in front of a boxed-in SUV on the freeway, do you think it's a smart idea to begin menacing that driver and making him think he's going to get killed by a mob of 200-300 bikers? They should be charged with negligence resulting in injury.

My thoughts exactly.

I don't even know why this is up for debate. These clowns think they own shit, like some modern biker mafia, and clearly they don't. If I was mayor, I'd just have them all shot, and bam, no more crime and innocent families afraid to drive on certain roads. I can't stand shit like these faggots and gangs etc. Like North Korea, just line 'em up, and shoot 'em down, issue resolved.

The sad part is that there is a debate...I've read somewhere that they wanted to charge both the biker and SUV as if they both have equal responsibility for the accident.