Mobile internet


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
Opps i meant like a mobile internet stick. one of them usb shits you plug into a laptop....

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Ohhhhhhhh, that I don't have. My boy's got two Roger's sticks, I'll ask him what model and why... Or do you mean which data plan to get?


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
Just want to know if its worth the 129.99 to buy the stick then pay monthly to use it. Is connectivity any good? Speed? Basically if i get it can i play CSS on it.


TD Admin
Wow I actually turn my phone into a wifi hot spot and test out the speed and stuff with my laptop. (I got unlimited data with Mobilicity), try to play some CS, I am actually surprise by the speed performance, it's actually not that bad. My ping was stable at 100+ sometime jumps to 150 and other time at 260, but I have to say, it's play able. Not sure how jumpy/choppy/teleporting you'll look to other players tho.

That's the connection speed with my phone.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
That might be the case for you, but what about other people? I'm sure your awesome hair amplifies the signal for you.


TD Admin
My hair are down today, so it didn't help :/. but yea for mobile internet, it's all about the signal and reception.


TD Admin
thats pretty crazy, wouldn't have expected you to be able to play CS, but it delivered. cool.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Ya man, my fido speeds are much higher (especially upload) then my cogeco sometimes, it's fucked! lol (excluding max download speed).

Remy, just keep checking with Future Shop (they have a MASSIVE partnership with Robbers) because often times they offer the stick for free with a 3-year agreement. The 3-year agreement is the catch, however if you need one for that long, than you're saving the cost of the stick.

Also worthy of note, the monthly data plan can be changed on a month-to-month basis - meaning if you sign the 3-year agreement, and in the 3rd year decide you don't want/don't need to use it often, you can do the minimum (I think it's $30/month) plan for the remainder of months (or selective months that you choose) of the agreement.


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
Note to self: Remember to add all details in next help thread.

The stick is for me for about a month, since im going to ottawa and need internet just for that period. My bro may use it after for about a year for college but other than that its just for short term.

Im gonna run in and talk to mobilicity tomorrow its the only one with a resonable price. 99.99 for stick, 40 for unlimited use. Just wanna make sure I get connectivity and decent speed.


TD Admin
Just a little note, Mobilicity in door reception can suck ass sometime, their HSDPA 1700 / 2100 3G network signal can't penetrate walls as good as GSM, so sometime there's no signal at all in door.

Double check their Coverage area in Ottawa, they've just expanded to Ottawa like 1 week ago.

I was gonna suggest to go with fido, but damnnnn their price are pretty deep .. 500 MB for $32 geez ...

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
You might be better off going with a one or two month data plan from your mobile carrier and then tethering... does your current phone allow usb tethering or wifi hot spot? If so, check that avenue...