[Minecraft] [Admin] Zackychuu


TD Admin / Wanker
Honestly, I have no idea as to whether you are accepting Admins for Minecraft or not.
But seeing Joe's post has inspired me to apply, just in case.
Going to use an application form that I loosely based on the TF2 Admin one, just to smarten up the post.

Minecraft Username: Zackychuu
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:41862856 (Not sure if this applies but it's always nice to know how to contact me out of game).
Any other servers that you play on: I used to play on a server called Storisen a while back, and I was named as a Mod there. That server was shut down some time ago though. I have never really found another server where I have liked the community though.
Real First Name: Zack
Age: 17
Location: Leicester, England
Why do you want to be a DARKLY Minecraft Admin: Seeing as I am already a TF2 Admin, I feel that I would like to widen my Admin career onto another game that I play quite a bit, Minecraft. I don't actually see LB on the server much, other than if he has had reports of suspicious behaviour, or if he has been asked to ban somebody. Personally I don't like pulling him away from what ever he is doing just to come and help us with Minecraft, so maybe it would be easier to get some people that actually play on the game, to frequent the servers and just do general Admin duties. I would like to put myself forward for this task.

YES/NO Questions:

Do you actually play Minecraft? Yes
Are you active on the Community Forums? Yes, I check the forums every day.
Are you in good standing with the users of the server? Yes