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2012 Troll of the Year
Don't deal with them.

I bought ram, wasn't the right kind, they refused to take it back because I tossed out the little green packaging. I had the receipt and everything, but the guy said "no deal". It would have been nice if the guy who sold me the ram, pointed to the little rebate barcode and said "This is worth more than the ram". But he didn't.

The manager of the store said he would take it back, if I paid the rebate for the ram, but that pissed me off, because that means I would be paying more for less, as the ram I wanted to exchange for, didn't have a rebate.

FUck them.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
burn the store down... $2 of gas + 5c matches = epic revenge (and possible imprisonment)


TD Admin | Bacon
just use the usual "im never gonna shop here again" approach and if that doesnt work call their corporate office and complain!

Complaining to corporate always works laff! I almost got fired because some guy called our corporate office and complained that I "Stared him down" when he asked him to change his gloves laff!! thank god both the managers vouched for me that the guy was just being a prick that day!


TD Admin
a business likememory express doesn't sound incorporated to me. I doubt they have a corporate HQ to forward complaints to. If it's anything like canada computers, they don't give a shit about customer service...not yet anyway. Bomb em, flame em, insult em. It smells like they care purely bout profits at this point in their business life cycle.
Yeah, only big companies care, because the thinking is if you took all the time to contact them, then something must be wrong. Small companies are still about the bottom line and really don't care about customers unless its their biggest clients.


2012 Troll of the Year
Yup, I have decided that every time I purchase a different component, I'm going to email them the specifics, so they know how much money they've lost. I will do the same with my friends who I steer away from their business.
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