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TD Admin
I stopped playing for a while when my clan's pub died. I'm glad there's one good pub left out there.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
[quote1282019469=LoW BuDgEt]
Welcome to TD bud! Enjoy playing on our servers! See you in game!
Copper has been around for a long time. DERP. He belongs to ESF, which I have always assumed means Eat Shit Faggot.

Hey, copper. You should never leave TD, everywhere is just AIDS afterwards.


TD Admin
[blockquote]He belongs to ESF, which I have always assumed means Eat Shit Faggot.[/blockquote]

I used to tell people it was Eat Shit, Fucker. Close enough.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
[quote1282049262=Shotgun Jesus]
[quote1282019469=LoW BuDgEt]
Welcome to TD bud! Enjoy playing on our servers! See you in game!
Copper has been around for a long time. DERP. He belongs to ESF, which I have always assumed means Eat Shit Faggot.

Hey, copper. You should never leave TD, everywhere is just AIDS afterwards.
