TF2 Market Guides

Should this 'integrity' breach be a concern, if even true?

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Here's something of interest...



I think this Reddit user's (Biased) raging at the site because many people use it (or overuse it) and he can't make a profit being able to buy lower and sell higher than it states. Nothing is perfect, every system has flaws, their methods might be a little unorthodox, but could you consider a better way to get accurate data on prices? It does seem to have been manipulated on a couple of items, but it shouldn't throw their entire integrity into question. Especially since it's a one-item and very limited base, versus voting or a joint collaboration on people purposely trying to get something to sell for a higher price to make profit, I'm not seeing this here.

Bottom line, these spreadsheets serve as guides, not set-in-stone prices, it is up to each and own self discretion on whether they want to sell near the posted market prices, guides, etc, or follow their own prices.


TD Admin / Wanker
I read this a few days ago when it was first posted.
Saw the blog post on spreadsheet and decided to read the reddit post after.

Honestly, I couldn't care less.
In my opinion, I believe the spreadsheet admin, that he didn't intentionally bump up the price just to sell his item.
But I also think that seeing as he does hold so much power over the trading community, then he could become corrupt at some point.

Whether he already is, or whether he is actually a legit guy, I just don't know.

Spreadsheet should only ever be a guide price anyway, you have to take it with a pinch of salt.
The Buds/Bills and what have you prices are probably the most accurate prices on there according to traders of the world.
Other than that, everything else will probably be a few metal in value on either side of the price.
It always depends on other traders.

To be honest, that guy has been stalking the spreadsheet admin for so long, and this was the only incident that he found in all that time that could increment him in any way.
That is honestly not enough to put him in the shit and make everyone never use spreadsheet again.
I agree Zacky, that the person in question can be questioned...and if the guy was really corrupt, then why is he taking feedback, good feedback from members and implementing them? I highly doubt corruption is a problem here, sure he may have dipped into the cookie jar, but it looks to be a one time incident. As for the price in his favor, you have to experiment somehow.

Disco, you're right about that, it's a damn guide, but it's the people that stick to it, that end up giving it a bad reputation.

Don't forget gentlemen, to voice your opinions, such as these responses on the Spreadsheet itself and the Reddit post, if you have a Reddit account. It'll help support the truth. XD


TD Admin / Wanker
If he really was as bad as they say he is, then surely when the whole thing with BMOC's was happening, he would have taken advantage of that.
But during it, if I remember correctly, he actually stopped pricing the BMOC all together.
That doesn't sound like someone would likes to manipulate the market in his favour.

But then again, you just don't know.
None of these items have a true set in stone value, so maybe, without us realising it, he DOES manipulate the market.
But with a market of virtual items, you can never fully tell what the actual price of something is, it's all just guess work.

I have a Reddit account, but I honestly don't want to start geting into arguments with spreadsheet haters, or spreadsheet lovers.
I am neutral in this whole affair, and I don't care for either sides argument.
It's all a bit petty, fighting over virtual things that, in the end, could disappear in an instant if Valve decided to pull the plug.