Map in the works


A Little Darkly
Hey, I haven't gotten around to this as quickly as I'd liked to, but I'll get it done in asap.. working on this map (de_conflict?) atm, and going to make a few more after. The next few I make will be 'normal' (simple boring layouts lol), I just figured you guys'd like to have a larger open map with the whole 32maxplayers sheit).









So far thats it, a bunch more to do.. its all already in my head, I'm just so busy I only get to start mapping at like 1-2 AM and I gotta work at 8 every day so its hurtin...

P.S. Still gonna make that tf2 trade map for you guys. Downloaded the one you use to genrelize, I'll pm you if necessary.


A Little Darkly
Thanks guys, I'll get er done asap.. And yeah the lighting is changed every time I compile, trying to get a perfect night map.. not too dark in the shadows but really dark in general.. It's proving hard because one single increment in the ambient lighting (ammount of light from sky in shaded areas) changes soooo drastically at low numbers..

Thanks buckshot, I've been mapping since quake 2 I've got it on lock :D. However, one thing I'm not looking forward to is naming the nav mesh... lol. With the ammount of odd geometry and open space in this map there's going to be hundreds of nav box's :X I'm not going to ask you to do the annoying part though :D


TD Member
Man that looks like it would be very interesting to play! I can't wait until your done to get in there and mess shit up!


A Little Darkly
Hey a few new pics, uploading a fly through vid as well, but with my slow ass internet I'll have to link it in the morning lol. The lighting in the mosque thingy isn't done yet, I just threw those in there to see how it would look, might not use fires but we'll see..


This will pretty much be the middle of the map.


These windows will be smaller when done, tried a few sized and smaller feels + looks better.


Blah, cheesy geometry lol... can't go overkill with such an open map though :(


Yay staircases... needs some light :/.


Looks cool but no light hits up top cause of locations of fires/lights... Might do like mini fires on the second level? lmao... cheeeesetastic


Random shot from inside a building, I meant to take more shots inside the place but thats when I started doing a video...

...Too bad fraps, even at half resolution, filled 1.22 gigs for a damn 2-3 min video fly through lmfao.

So yeah, I'll link it in the morning... My shitty ISP gives like 80kbps upload.

Mute it if you don't like electronic music (Genre is Full-On Psytrance, middle-east style)
low frame rate from fraps, map gets full frames so far on my raedon 3870 hd (512mb) lol