Mann Vs. Machine!


TD Admin
There are some words that, if I have to use them to describe a man, mean that man is dead to me. Also to everybody else. Because I will kill that man. One of those words is "hatless". The other is "coward".

I gave you mercs one simple thing to do: Defend Mann Co. from an unstoppable robot horde. Now Bidwell's telling me some of you are abandoning the fight in the middle of attacks. Firstly: What am I even paying you in found money that falls out of robots for?

Secondly — actually, put this first, it's more important — I am coming for you.

But thirdly, Bidwell's drummed up some penalties for any coward he catches running away from the frontlines. If any of you cowards out there find these penalties too harsh, don't worry about it, because see Point #1 (I am coming for you). Whatever penalties you get will seem like a day at the Being Afraid store (or wherever it is cowards like to shop) when I get my big angry hands on your beady little heads.


TD Admin
There is a difference between leaving a game and "abandoning" it. It is considered "abandoning" a game if all of the following circumstances are met:
  • You leave a game while playing a Mann Up game on an official server; and
  • You have not played through a single wave to completion or failure; and
  • There are 5 or more players currently connected to the server (including you).
Otherwise, it is safe to disconnect a game without being considered an "abandoner."


TF2 Admin
Who actually joins and leaves a game (unless of course the team has 3-4 snipers/heavies)?

But I guess they had to anyway. Peoples had better get better.
When did TF2 turn into Soviet Russia?

The updates are great, maybe this will discourage a few of the idiots who love to do this. A close friend of mine's probably going to be punished pretty soon, he's trying so hard to get an achievement, it has to do with collecting every single bonus in a game. He leaves during/after the end of the first wave if a bonus is not achieved. o.o


TF2 Admin
Well, it's kind of unnecessary, and you can always look for the basically full upgrade wave 1 servers(if you can get out of Mann-Up). I know of one where you start with 30k credits :P

Not tough at all.