:clap: if you didn't have an issue with it why'd you call it retarded?Nah pretty much everyone is cool with drugs. I have no problem with that.
Ahh yes the internet, the place where people can spew random facts and think they are real. Unlike you I will back up my statementsModerate alcohol use has not been shown to cause any negative affects on the brain in any credible studies. The same cannot be said of marijuana. All drugs are not equal.

Low Alcohol use has has a negative impact on over all health
Moderate use of alcohol causes Brain shrinkage -
heavy Marijuana use causes no permanent damage to your brain. - I could post shit loads of links on this topic. All studies that say THC has no ill effect on the brain. The only study I've read causing permanent damage is when under 20's use Marijuana Even once. Which is why I will advocate to have it legalized because it's WAY to easy to get on the streets.
The cannabinoids that come with Marijuana are the different story however, since this substances are different for all variations of Marijuana. This is another reason to keep it out of kids hands.
Didn't mean to make this thread a big drug vs. alcohol flame war. Sorry about that. Just pointing out why we prob. won't be hanging out with you fine gents any time soon, though I'm sure your company is otherwise enjoyable.
I thought this way, and then I met 47, he gave me some hash and..........i really don't remember the rest but i know I had fun. :yawn::yawn:
Joking aside I hold no ill will toward you or your views as this is a free world and you are entitled to it. I post these links and information for the few who read and would like to know the truth about the substances in question. Rather then internet speculation (no really, I'm that kind of self-righteous asshole).