BANNED m_webb333 - STEAM_0:1:61312564

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Death by Darkly
| steamname: Sir Matt
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:61312564
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

| steamname: The Red Cross ⇋Δ⇌
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:47980917
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

Scammer contacted victim and claimed to be an administrator at a global (and coincidentally nonexistent) reputation site defined at "" and "", threatening to mark the victim as a scammer and "ban" the victim unless payment in the form of TF2 items was received. Victim traded the scammer said items, and scammer promptly left. The scammer has also changed his/her name to names that imply his/her role as an administrator of a reputation site, examples being X_Scammers/ (admin #8) and (Admin #6).


Victim Inventory History
Scammer Profile
Victim / Scammer Chat Log

Victim / Me Chat Log (Explanation)
Never tell your password to anyone.
Monday, May 27, 2013
3:42 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: Hi, how can I help you?
3:42 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: dolphins haze
3:42 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: told me to add u
3:42 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: and im here to report a scammer
3:42 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: Can you please elablorate?
3:43 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: does that me explain?
3:43 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: mean
3:43 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: Yes. What happened?
3:43 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: he was a plaer on trade plaza
3:43 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: and traded me
3:43 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: i didnt know the prices on some items
3:44 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: and he said he would repord me if i didnt trade the trade
3:44 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: the then changed his name
3:44 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: to (admin #6)
3:44 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: and said i would be baned unlessi bailed
3:44 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: myself out
3:44 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: with 1 key
3:45 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: and then he took my s shotgun
3:45 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: when i looked at his aliases
3:45 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: there was the players name
3:45 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: there
3:45 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌:
3:46 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: Do you have any screenshots of the trade, chat, or any communication that took place between you and the alleged scammer?
3:46 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: yes
3:46 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: i can send by email
3:48 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: Could you please upload them to an image-sharing site, such as imgur?
3:48 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: i dont have imgur
3:48 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: and dont know hat
3:48 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: can i just send by email?
3:48 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: cuz i got it all ready
3:50 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: Alright.
3:50 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: Please send the images to
3:51 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: sent it
3:51 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: :)
3:52 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: The alleged scammer sent you a trade in the server, and then added you on Steam?
3:52 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: yes
3:53 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: Did any communication transpire in the trade window before he/she added you?
3:53 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: can u say that again in more simple vocabulary?
3:54 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: sorry, im bad at english
3:55 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: My apologies.
3:55 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: You you trade anything or talk with him/her in the trade before they added you on Steam?
3:55 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: *Did you
3:56 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: we talked a bit
3:56 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: he sent me a trade in trade plaza
3:56 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: for stranges
3:56 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: What did either of you say in the trade window?
3:57 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: i put up 3 strages
3:57 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: and he put a a rec
3:57 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: and said is this good
3:57 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: i said no
3:57 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: and he said how much
3:57 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: i said it takes a key to open each of these
3:58 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: and he said im reporting u, u better trade those stranges for .44 or im reporting u
3:58 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: so i closed trade
3:59 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: You mentioned earlier that he/she took your Strange Shotgun.
3:59 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: yes
3:59 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: he added me as a admin
3:59 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: What did he/she provide in return?
3:59 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: .44
4:00 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: You traded with Sir Matt. 8:28am
+Reclaimed Metal, Scrap Metal
–Strange Shotgun
4:00 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: And you did this trade to prevent yourself from being banned, which he/she said would happen?
4:00 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: yes
4:00 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: to "bail" myself
4:00 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: he quoted
4:00 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: blackmail
4:00 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: Can you please send me a screenshot of your Inventory History?
4:01 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: there
4:01 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: Thank you.
4:01 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: When did this occur?
4:01 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: 8:28 am
4:01 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: today
4:02 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: est
4:02 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: EST
4:03 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: Have you made contact with him/her since the scam took place?
4:03 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: no
4:03 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: after i figured it out
4:04 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: he went offline
4:04 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: and never replied
4:06 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: Alright, thank you for the information.
4:06 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: thank you for your time and patience
4:07 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: I will handle this scam, no further action will be needed from you unless requested, and of course it is always your decision.
4:07 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: thank you again
4:07 PM - Darkly | Gatherix: Have a nice day.
4:07 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: you too
4:08 PM - The Red Cr☼ss ⇋Δ⇌: :)


Senior TF2 Admin
On a completely different note, Its funny to see it be Sir Matt.... I have issues with him like everyday with chat spamming.... He has a bad habit of not following rules.
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