Lots of players timing out!


TD Admin
I was just playing and noticed server population was way down from the norm for a saturday night and after awhile it became apparent that loads of people are timing out on the CSS server. i mean loads of people. joker and hoggslayer both got timed out among others. it seems to affect certain people again and again so i dunno what the deal is but it needs to be fixed.


TD Member
I tried another server and had no problems with my connection there (I also posted this info in another thread at the same time as Pyro was posting this thread; sorry for the duplicate). Got disconnected about 3 times in the span of 30 mins.


TD Member
I too am having time out/connection problems. it's like the server is crashed and can't connect for 5-10 mins. then everyone else is still there. weird...


2012 Troll of the Year
Prop and I have been looking into this. There has been some concern regarding the firewall..

Taken to the BHA headquarters for further analysis...


TD Admin | Bacon
Interesting any lag problem?

no lag just server acting like it was going to crash. However not for everyone... Low budgets afk ass wasnt affected by it the 2 times it happened in TF2


2012 Troll of the Year
Well the next time it happens, trace route the server, build up some documentation so we can figure out the problem.