If anything, he's doing what his people want, not his own personal interests.
They keystone pipeline? There are literally as many roads as pipelines that cross our borders, this one environment group got all bent out of shape over it. Fine, we'll ship to china? dummies.
public healthcare? Oh yeah, like thats a bad thing. Dummy americans again. You're the british of the seventies, all crooked teeth and such. The _people_ want it. Obama going against BigMed is tactically a very dangerous move. Like the kind you get shot for.
Offshore Oil? Well, the america's are not necessarily oil rich. There are a ton of reserves in mexico, mind you.
And offshore drilling is AMAZINGLY complex, its easier to go after the sweet surface oil.
One final thought, when it comes to Big Oil, this, for the most part, is government independant. Most gas you pump into your car, comes from super majors, which are like, global super powers, ostensibly.
Oh I'm sorry, you thought the middle east pumps their own oil? Those dummies don't have a clue how to do it. They own the reserves. but not the drilling technology.