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Life in Prison


TD Admin
Is it ever appropriate to sentence youth (age 15 or younger) to life in prison?

Life for a life, is what I would say.


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
Death Penalty FTW...

or they need to start up a TV show where convicts fight till death, like Death Race I guess but a lot less gay.


2012 Troll of the Year
Yes. 15 yolds know right and wrong. 15yolds know not to shoot guns into crowds (Jane Creba). garbage in, garbage out.


TD Member
exactly. stupid shit has been done in the past by minors, and its obviously something that they know isnt acceptable at all. so i say fuck it, they should be sentenced like any other grown adult especially if a life was lost.


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
good episode cock, I watched the first season of the show then stopped watching....

ok case by case is OK.... but if they are 100% guilty and rotten motherfuckers than they deserve to die. If not, then rot in prison... but it's bullshit the taxpayers have to keep people these scum alive for life (food, shelter taking up room in the jails)

yes it's hard because innocent people will get sentenced, and I don't know how they can fix this, but I still would support the death penalty for the dirtiest of the dirt... I don't care about deterrance and the notion that its 'morally wrong' or the fact that they suffer through the process...
i think this is an argument nobody in here is smart enough to tackle. there are so many variables. for instance, incorrect sentencing happens a lot more than you would imagine. or how about self defence? imagine this: you and your mother were walking and some asshole jumped you and stabbed you both four times before you shoved him away. your mother dies, you survive, and the stabber fell on his head and died on the spot.
in a black and white world like the world of internet tough guy intellectuals like us you'd be sentenced to death for defending yourself and your mother.

anyway long story short i think the death penalty is bullshit and prisons are the next best option. it sucks it costs taxpayers to house criminals but in the case of an incorrect sentencing i'd like to have the guarantee that we aren't executing innocent people.