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Let's help bucky j get a job asap!!!

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
lol u guys gay

GL BJ, just apply everywhere and make an impression when handing the resume.
You leave employers with the impression you're retarded.
I'm in the same boat, been looking for a job for awile but no luck. Need a decent job by next February, thinking of hitting up school and learning a trade or two, any suggestions what I should learn for that short period of time?

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
yo heres my system:

phat ass osap loan, get that shit max you have to pay is capped at 7 you can get more like 20Gs, you might only get like 3 or something to start the important thing is low income, keep tuition schooltime tax credits for when you make some more money after school you can pay less taxes, tax free savings account, plus student discounts on everything@!!!! 8-)

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
Your best bet for a job ASAP or close to ASAP is to look on Craig's list - general labour.
Also check the m4m section.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Thanks a ton boys n gals. I think I've decided on something I've been wanting to decide on for a long time. I got a hook up on being an electrician apprentice. After a while, I can get the education (paid by the company) for it, and move on up to become one. I really wanna do it...


TD Admin (and LiR)
Lots of money in trade work BJ. A friend of mine has a electrician company and has a nice house and nice sports car.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
[quote1277581464=OG buckshot jr]
Thanks a ton boys n gals. I think I've decided on something I've been wanting to decide on for a long time. I got a hook up on being an electrician apprentice. After a while, I can get the education (paid by the company) for it, and move on up to become one. I really wanna do it...
I worked as an electrician apprentice in my teens. Had a good boss, really easy going. I did residential stuff, rewiring old houses in Toronto. We were always in these giant mansion houses and one of my hobbies was taking a shit in their bathrooms. I've sat on many an expensive toilet in my day.

Never had to go to any school shit either, which was a plus.


TD Member
[quote1277587112=OG buckshot jr]
Thanks a ton boys n gals. I think I've decided on something I've been wanting to decide on for a long time. I got a hook up on being an electrician apprentice. After a while, I can get the education (paid by the company) for it, and move on up to become one. I really wanna do it...
That's a really good idea. An old friend of mine, her father has his own business. He installs smoke alarms inside large buildings downtown like The Opera House and other bigger buildings like that. Really good money, especially if you have your own business.


TD Admin
I finish my electrical aprenticeship pretty soon, i write my ticket on the 13th. its a fuckin long run tho 9000 hours plus 28 weeks of full time schooling. money's great tho and you can live off of the sidejobs if you are out of work. I will be making a shit ton after i get my ticket but I assume you will be applying at a non-union shop. still man if u have any questions about it ask away.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Well hey, it's really nice to hear such positive feedback on this! Thanks a yon for the support, and Drugz, I'll keep that in mind!

One love TD, thanks a ton on this!


TD Member
Im going back to school in the fall as well GL man. as far as im conserned if its what you want to do its the right choice.
An old friend of mine is an electrician, haven't spoken to him in years but last I heard he was doing well with that work. Hrm, might be worth looking into, thanks for the tips guys!


TD Admin
keep in mind its not always going to be continuous work. there IS a possibility that you could get laid off.


TD Admin
there are 2 ways to get in. they take on probational (1 year) apprentices once a year to replenish the graduates. or you can get in by working for a non-union shop that gets organized by the union.
non-union shops tend to not lay their workers off because they need to keep a steady crew working to function as a business. in the union however, you are on a list with all the other journeymen who arent working. when new jobs start up, the contractor asks the union for men, then the people at the top of the list go out to work. when a job finishes, most likely you are going to the bottom of that list.

Toronto local is HUGE compared to Windsor where i live. i would imagine you would need to know someone to get in.
sell shit on ebay. i make almost as much selling electronics and car parts as i did working 40 hours a week. you've gotta hustle your ass off even in a niche market but it really does beat having some cunt boss smacking your chair when you're trying to fucking sleep on the job at 9.30 in the morning. i don't even wake up until 11
Since I'm at wonderland, I can't read everything off of my ohone, so I hope I'm not redundant, but you should check the Ontario job bank. Its online, since were talking about this. Online anyway. I found a job for myself in two days, pay is ok, 14$
That's not a bad idea. actually, on the subject, my best friend made 9k last planting pine in BC. But you need to apply in April and the season starts early June. Alberta has good job prospects for security, paramedic (as a driver), intensive labour stuff. Living cost there is more expensive, so look into shared residence.