Leroy's Pride

We don't have a thread started, so this should make it easy to communicate!

So far, we have 3 members. Keyzer_Soze, Sgtducky, and me. Danny can't make it and $alvador no longer wishes to be part of the team.

If anyone is interested in joining the team, please post your interest here. Keyzer, if you have friends interested in being on the team, please ask them to post here. Name change suggestions can be posted here as well... :P

Whatever changes we make to the roster have to be approved by 44.

P.S. My position on the team is tentative. I am currently fighting with Rogers and Teksavvy. I ordered my service on December 16th and I still have no connection. Rogers tech support are clueless as to what gibberish they keep spewing to Teksavvy, and I don't buy their BS. I think the problem maybe with their DHCP server or the line. I have a brand new modem, and they keep saying they can't see it on the network. Then they tell me that I need to update to a firmware from my modem manufacturer. This is straight from Motorola's website: "Motorola is not allowed to control the upgrades of DOCSIS devices, per the standards specification". If my internet situation is not resolved, I would rather be a ringer than penalize my team for my crappy wireless connection.


TD Admin
keyzer did you had some guys that wanted to play ??? get merk.. awyeah Kush ??? you guys interested ? check with keyzer..


TD Member
ok, so:

getmerked is game, as is snipe_my_@$$. so, our team is currently:

myself, abdul, ducky, merked, snipe

abdul, lets say you update us by tomorrow night or we'll pull a ringer, ok?

[you gave teksavvy the MAC from the new modem right? thats whack bro, hope you sort it out soon. or check out teksavvy's dsl -- they have some primo packages (overall lower bandwidth but also lower latency)]


TD Admin
Are you guys good to scrim us (Team HAND_JOB) on Friday at 7:30 maybe 8:00 if needed. My team is good after 7:00, but i still do have to check with Fuse, he should be good to go tho.
Well, I'm being told I need to buy a modem with the proper firmware (one released and only used by Rogers) so I'm at a loss at what to do. Teksavvy is refusing to help me in any way. I contacted motorola and they confirmed they did not release that firmware and never shipped units with it, so they suggested the legal route. I am currently considering it, especially that Teksavvy is refusing to refund me what I paid.

I'm going to sign up with Rogers directly as I don't want to deal with this BS anymore, so hopefully next tourney I'll be good to go!

In any case, I'll act as ringer. I can show up for scrims as well.


TD Admin
well we just need to figure it out i guess and need to make sure we have players to play else .44 will "force a player to us" which i can understand because he need make sure team is playing