League of Legends


DARKLY Regular
Anyone here play LoL? I play it from time to time, but between the pathetically annoying grief and bitching IG and the redundancy of playing with bad teams and hearing the same sad sack complaints over and over, I tend to CS more than I LoL nowadays.

If anyone here plays, though, it would be nice to stock pile a few more people on my friends list who don't suck ass.

Ghett0Messiah is the tag. I play a mean Poppy, as ugly Katarina, a solid Teemo, Miss Fortune or, if I'm feeling saucy, Shaco or Zilean.

Any of you guys play, or am I the only loser that plays this game?

PS, Nikasaur needs to have her pipes cleaned by yours truly something fierce.


DARKLY Regular
It has it's moments, but I'm not gonna lie. I'd much rather CS than lol. Usually, that's all you do; LoL at the lameness that takes place in the matches.

Fork Included

TD Admin
i got into LoL for a bit at one point but the time commitment became too stressful due to the wife-factor

if you leave games midway you'll eventually get banned, plus you ruin the game for 4 other guys.

At least in something like statecraft the only penalty for leaving a game is a loss.

LoL is too serious of a game in that regard, it's like a mini-WoW-raid type thing.


DARKLY Regular
I play dominion because it's shorter. That long, classic shit is just too much of a waste. You make one mistake and you're fucked for the entire game. With dominion, matches are like 15 -20 minutes. I play my one match, and I'm good for the day.

Sadly, since it does have tournaments, you get the "Lifer" types who are delusional enough to think that they will make a living playing the game and the GWT factor kicks in (Gaming with Tards.)

That's also probably why there is so much lameness involved. I just finished a match that started with some fool being like "OMG WHY DID I TELEPORT, I'M GOING TO REPORT YOU HACKER!"

My responses is usually "Shut up, fag." or something similar. God bless the mute button. If you mute the enemy (and sometimes, your own team) and play dominion, it can be a fun 15 minutes a day or so. If not, it's definitely more stress and crap than it's worth.


TD Member
I play on occasion.
But I'm waiting for DOTA 2 to be available.


Add me, but I haven't played in 2 - 3 months.


I play it from time to time :o. Used to play it religiously since I started around beta.

Oh rite. I met Nikasaur in person :o.... and have photos.. o-o.

Kind of getting sick of the game considering I've played it for about three years and both casually and professionally ~_~V


DARKLY Regular
Nikasaur seems kinda hot, but I could see how she might be somewhat annoying in person or due to excessive exposure.

I play dominion once in a blue moon, but that game loses it's lustre pretty quickly. The douche-to-civility ratio of it's community doesn't help much.


Worst part is it doesn't get any better. The more experienced players have what I call an "inner circle" or as the high school kids would call them "Popular Kids". I've played with plenty of them and honestly if you don't join their "inner circle" they're just basically assholes to you. However, I've met most of them in person and in person they're completely different and actually quite nice.

And shes actually quite cool in person. She went out with one of my buddies from league and some of the pro players and I and shes actually quite a chill person and doesn't let the constant spotlight get to her head.


DARKLY Regular
She definitely seems very perky and positive in her videos. I wonder if that's just "Work" or if she's one of those annoying "Always happy" girls.

I'd still throw one in her, obviously. As for the douchey community, that's all gamer communities man. They always shun the new folks and try to beat you into submission or shame you into leaving. Read the Chatbox and NSFW threads, you'll see what I mean. :S

In LoL, it seems to be pretty instant, though. At least in CS, you need to go on an pwning spree before people get twatty with you. In LoL, people come out swinging call you "Kid" and being "Cyber jocks" presuming you will bow to their every whim because they say so.

Personally, once I discovered the in game mute button, I just mute the entire enemy team (and often, my own) and it results in a much more pleasurable experience. You still get that douche who feels the need to ping the map 19 times instead of just one, but playing without sound isn't that bad either. ;)

I have a buddy who keeps trying to tell me that it's this big revolutionary change when you hit 30, like everyone is super nice and civil and there's no wait times, but he has a habit of "Stretching the truth" and trying to put a pretty shine on everything just to get me to game with him. He's one of those people who doesn't seek out relationships with women, so he gets an alarmingly "GF"-like relationship to his games.

He is a WoW addict in recovery just begging for an excuse to get back into it. I'm sure you know the type. It's like the crack head who stops hitting the pipe, but spends all day talking about how much they "Don't miss rock" in a vain attempt to fool themselves. (If you don't miss it, how come you never shut up about it? Logic fail.)


When I spoke to her she didn't seem to be one of those always happy girls. I think that's just for the videos. She acts, like I suppose any normal chick would o-o. I suppose here and there she might show to have an inflated ego because she is quite popular but other than that she seemed to be quite normal.

And yeah most gaming communities are that way but I have no seen it more than I do in this game. I mean I've been gaming since like grade 4 and LoL BY FAR has the worst community only surpassed by HoN. And no there is no revolutionary change once you hit 30. Not even in ranked. And I can kind of understand your buddy, I mean I wouldn't say that's what I do but usually I hate playing games alone because I don't tend to talk to anyone and it gets boring playing games alone.


DARKLY Regular
And no there is no revolutionary change once you hit 30. Not even in ranked. And I can kind of understand your buddy, I mean I wouldn't say that's what I do but usually I hate playing games alone because I don't tend to talk to anyone and it gets boring playing games alone.

I hear WoW is bad (The community that is), but I haven't played it so I wouldn't know.

Totally agree with your point, but lying to get me to play a game isn't going to convince me. Besides, this dude will bitch about how he wants to play, when really, I think he just wanted to get out of his parents house and come to mine instead, because if I saw him online, he'd disappear. o.O It's the alterior motives and the dishonesty that weird me out.

And yes, the LoL community is fuckin HORRID. CS used to be a lot worse than it is now. When I quit... well, fuck, I've quit CS like 5 times over the years, but I usually stopped because all it was was hacking, accusations of hacking, and shit talk. Given that back then, my PC was a pile of shit and my FPS was 30 if I was lucky and about 12 in a firefight, I had no chance.

Now, I have my 46 inch HDTV plugged in to my PC via DVI / HDMI cable, and it makes my e peen hard when I want to swim in my screen. I generally "watch" read:listen to TV while I game, though, so I don't bother with it that much.

LoL is definitely fun, but it's only fun in small doses. I have one or two friends I can go on a Dom Tear with and play a few matches back to back, but when the thrill is gone.... move on.

One thing I like about WoW, though, it is seemed to siphoned all the twatty cunts out of Guild Wars, so a few years ago when I played it a fair bit, there were virtually no bitchy twats IG making me want to shoot people.


Well I never cared to much for cs communities because I tend to ignore chat and just played solo, league was slightly different because I needed the other 4 to win the game. Never really paid attention to what anyone said in cs, probably why I only have like three steam friends over the many years I've used steam o-o..

And quite odd about your friend o-o.


DARKLY Regular
Yea, he's a bit of an oddity. There are reasons for it but it's not my place to air other people's dirty laundry.

I find one LoL a day can be fun, but you inevitably get stuck on a crappy team unless you make a 5 man, in which case your queue time tends to be redonkulous (and I never figured out why).