

Senior TF2 Admin
Lately there have been a lot of ban requests here at Darkly. Do you guys think that it's the people we're getting or just us being more observant?


Retired Scrub
I think there's a lot more people involved in keeping Darkly a great place to play. There's still the same amount of idiots who can't understand that they aren't the badass they think they are. In my opinion, there is nothing glorifying about having bans on your record. Sure, there are tons of servers out there and they may not care, but at one point, maturity will hopefully sink in and they will realize that they fucked up and missed out on a great, diverse community. And they may come back and appeal the ban, but that's on them.


I think its both.
There are always a group of dumbs
but now theres more people that care about the server

11 ban requests this week 0_0


TD Admin
Lately I have really been trying to crack down on these idiots because I care about the Darkly servers and how filtered they are of these certain nuisances. I think in the past few weeks I have submitted around 15 reports mainly racism but also scamming situations. Many others have also been observant and are filing reports so in conclusion I think its mainly "us" being more observant.


TD Admin / Wanker
Having active Admins or Mods is only one solution to the problem of constsnt annoyances in the servers.
The other solution, as proved by Happy and a few others, is active members.
Not just active members though...but active members that actually care enough to come to the forums with problems.

Fair enough...we've had 11 or so reports just recently.
But when you think that those are mainly a single person's reports...
Imagine how many rules are being broken and how many incidents that are going unnoticed.

Keeping the servers clean really is a community effort.
Only by pooling together as a whole can we clean out the crap...not just in TF2 but in CS as well.
I know it means extra work some times...but I prefer having things reported rather than ignored.

I really want to encourage people to make a simple post now and then...but 90% of players are either far too lazy or just dont care.