Spycrab Queen
hehe thx u chicken thats nice to say about me+rep100000 serously who doesn't like kandi she would make a GREAT admin!

hehe thx u chicken thats nice to say about me+rep100000 serously who doesn't like kandi she would make a GREAT admin!
thnx very much cinny and i stil laugh to myself somtimes cuz now i no why all them times i said hi to u and u ignored meFirst off I want to say that Kandi would be the greatest admin of all time, jut because of how sweet and just she is! +rep +rep +rep all the way on this one! Good luck Kandi, may the votes be with you!
P.S. Sorry that i hade you muted for so long, idk why you were muted for me to begin with XD
She's around more than the rest of you combined
thnx tanky :) *hug*Seeing as this is still under review, still a +1 from me.
That same chick would then go on to be one of the handful of reasons I decided to apply for admin. when I was doubtful that I would get it. .
thnx for ur kinda words sir x hehe, yes never thought ud comment on here cuz itd been soo long since ive seen u on here :P and i still rememnber u when u was admin :). wow we go away back. so we been friends 4years wow :) u r a good friend x not cuz we r good friends.. its cuz ur a kind soul and i was sad and u wasnt admin anymore but that was years ago in the past now :)+1 As an ex-staff member myself, and since Kandi has been on Darkly for almost as long as I've been on Darkly for; she's trustworthy, good spycrabber, good friend, and overall good staff member. Would approve to see her as staff again(also surprise kandi,never thought you see this guy making posts again :P).
Oh my old staff days....must relive....maybe idk. And it's been 4 years? Lord help me my memory is absolute shit! Yeah I didn't pop on much here after that staff business, but was on discord and the darkly forums came into topic....figured I'd pop in and see what was up. Got no other PC clan I join plus no other place I'd call home for tf2. Aww you shouldn't have; but I do my best to be kind.thnx for ur kinda words sir x hehe, yes never thought ud comment on here cuz itd been soo long since ive seen u on here :P and i still rememnber u when u was admin :). wow we go away back. so we been friends 4years wow :) u r a good friend x not cuz we r good friends.. its cuz ur a kind soul and i was sad and u wasnt admin anymore but that was years ago in the past now :)
wow spicy thank u, that is so sweetA big +1 from me since she is so friendly and funny I think the servers would be boring without her.
Well thanks for that points :) and I will always be active on darkly cuz i love it there :P"a gun pointed at the head of the universe" -Halo dude
Your a active person Kandi, And your generally liked by the Darkly Community, but the past is the past, i'm not fully aware of the past situations as i was not around at the time of the events in question.
i am not biased about the situation as i have no contextual reason to give a Yes or No, So im gonna stay Neutral until further notice.
best of luck to you Kandi.