just starting TF2


DARKLY Regular
installing as we speak (errr.... as i type). owned it for ~2 years, have never touched it. i have no idea what i'm doing and what all this talk of "trading" is about. any advice?


DARKLY Regular
also, can someone recommend a good server that isn't just people looking to trade junk?
Well simply put trading is the act of in game swapping of items.

In order to trade then
Load Team Fortress 2
Go to the "Items" tab (whether you're on a server or not)
Click "Trading"
You can
1) Trade with anyone on the sever you are on
2) Trade with friends whether you're on the same server or not
3) Trade by copy pasting a person's Steam URL.

2 Weapons of any specific class can be crafted into 1 scrap. The items must be of the same class, so both Medic weapons. It doesn't matter what weapons, as long as they go to the same class. If it's a Medic and a Scout weapon for example, the game won't let you scrap them out. If you run into a player saying "Scrapbanking", that means that you can trade them two items of two different classes (such as 1 Scout Weapon and 1 Medic Weapon) and they will take the items for you and give you a scrap.
3 Scrap can be crafted into 1 reclaimedou use
3 Reclaimed can be crafted into 1 refined.

If need be, the process works backwards. You can smelt 1 ref into 3 rec, and 1 rec into 3 scrap. You cannot get back any weapons used to make the scrap however. Also, if you use an item that says in the item "Achievement Item: Not Tradeable", this means that if you use it in the scrap, that scrap cannot be traded. An item that is non craftable will be dark and unusable in crafting.

Pricing works as thus

0.11 = 1 Scrap
0.22 = 2 Scrap
0.33 = 1 Rec
0.44 = 1 Scrap and 1 Rec
0.55 = 2 Scrap and 1 Rec
0.66 = 2 Rec
0.77 = 1 Scrap and 2 Rec
0.88 = 2 Scrap and 2 Rec
1.00 = 1 Ref

Keys are the second type of currency, their prices fluctuate but a lot of people only trade items for keys. They have run anywhere from 2-2.66 ref since I've started playing.

Buds and Bills are the third type of currency.
Buds stand for Earbuds, which are worth large amounts of Keys. Bills known as Bill's Hat are also worth a lot of keys. Both Buds and Bills are items that can be equipped to your character, but a lot of people only trade these.

Also prices are very important.

Any standard item (yellow text) is worth 1 scrap at max, unless it's special like the frying pan. All standard items can, for the most part, be obtained while playing, as the game will randomly toss you items just for playing the game. These drops happen at random, and stop when you have accumulated 11 hours of play. This 11 hour timer resets every single wednesday, allowing you to collect even more items.
Any vintage item or genuine item (blue text and green text respectively). Vintages are extremely old items, and genuines are special pre order items. These items are rarer and require more metal, but are the same as the standard weapons in performance.
Any strange items are expensive, and can track the number of kills you've acquired on that weapon. The kills are cosmetic, as the weapon performs just like the standard. Stranges can only be obtained through crates (which require keys to open).
Unusuals are extremely expensive items that are animated and have special appearances. They're extremely interesting, but usually cost several buds.

People tend to use three sites for prices
http://tf2spreadsheet.blogspot.com/ which contains a comprehensive search-able spreadsheet to read.
http://www.tf2mm.com/ which is a place where only metal exchanges happen. You can post what you're selling for what price, or what you're willing to buy for a certain price.
http://www.tf2outpost.com/ where people can post what they're selling and what they're buying for certain prices.

Anyways, hope that helps. Enjoy.

As for server requests, just click some games in the "Start Playing" button, or throw caution to the wind and try random servers. Honestly, my personal favorites are Darkly Trade Servers or Control Point Maps. Even on a trade server, you can run around and kill people for fun too.


TD Admin / Wanker
Well, Runnin's post seems very extensive.
Pretty much everything you need to know right there.

Since you're just starting out, and if you do decide to get into the world that is Hat Fortress 2, otherwise known as trading.
Feel free to add people such as myself, Runnin, ShootToMaim or anyone else that has been trading for a while.

Just to give you a heads up about any major trades you want to do.

That is of course, just to avoid you being sharked since you are new to the game.


DARKLY Regular
sweet, thanks for all the info. i'm kind of a purist so i'll probably just stick to items that i find myself.
Whatever floats your boat, there's nothing wrong with that. Just so you know, an extra note, you can't trade and have limited backpack space until you purchase at least one item from the Mann Co. Store. Play for a while, get a feel for the game, then if you enjoy it then put 5 dollars in your steam wallet, and pick 5 dollars worth of merchandise from the store (or more, up to you). As long as you make 1 purchase, you'll get premium. You never have to purchase again, just the one time, although a lot of people buy keys even still.


TD Admin / Wanker
Well he said he has 'owned' it for 2 years.

I'm guessing he means he bought it before it was F2P :P

So he will be premium if he did
Oh yeah, sorry, missed that detail. Nevermind then, you're premium to begin with. If you wanna contact me, my Steam ID is identical to my username here.


TD Member
Just do what I do, say screw the whole trading crap, craft or find all of your own items, and play the game as it was meant to be played xD
Well the trading system is part of the game, thus the trading system is as the game is intended.

Not that crafting your weapons is wrong, just sayin.


TD Member
Well trading is an 'addon' to the game, not the primary objective, which it is to so many people. I just don't like trading xD I have sat around in the trade servers just messing around, and someone wanted something from me, so i gave it to them...
Was worth like 3 Rec, but i didn't care, never would have used it, and it did nothing for me just sitting in my inventory xD
I made some kid a happy camper that day xD


TF2 Admin
Welcome, first of all, to what is a great game! I would recommend if anything drops ("You have received a new item") that you find out its value before somebody buys it from you. Some things are very cheap, but others that sometimes drop (once you become premium of course) are far more expensive and have a lot more buying power than the more common drops.

Enjoy the game!
Ignore the entire trading system for the moment, if you're just starting TF2, try joining one of the En-mass servers to get acquainted with, you can visit the Trade servers to fuck around and practice your load outs without being kicked/banned for idling or being 'a noob'.


Also, ensure you complete basic training, all of it. It'll help you along the road.