• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.

Just played TF2 with you!

Hi, I'm Jaco. I played on your TF2 server last night and I had a pretty good time, although I think I only played with just a few members if any =/. Regardless I enjoyed the server and my ping was pretty decent. I then noticed you were recruiting for TF2 and I have been meaning to join a TF2/FPS community for a while. So here I am! although I seem to not be able to post a new thread in the TF2 section of the forums. You seem to have a fairly active community here so without further adieu let me tell you a bit about myself.

I am 23 years old and am in my last semester of college. I will have a degree in Information Systems and am currently looking for a professional job. Preferably somewhere warm but beggars can't be choosers =/. I live in Fargo, ND and although I am not in Canada I am pretty close to it.

Currently the only games I play are TF2 and League of Legends. I formerly spent half of my life playing WoW. Go me. Anyway I am also interested in playing Star Trek Online when it comes out, the new star wars game, FF13, Mass Effect 2, and a couple other games down the road and I also dabble in Modern Warfare 2 at the moment but I'm just not sure I am down with all the damn helicopters and shit flying through the air.

So yeah I am a big nerd but I do do other things besides game! Like drink! I also love football, Hockey (go Wings and go Sioux), skiing (am going over the holidays), and traveling. I like to think I have a good sense of humor and that is basically me in a nutshell.

Questions, complaints, or religious beliefs please ask away.


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
Welcome to the forums.
I have an event for you, take Icemans number one spot and I will paypal you $%10! hahaha, but seriously I will.


2012 Troll of the Year
Welcome to the forums.
I have an event for you, take Icemans number one spot and I will paypal you $%10! hahaha, but seriously I will.

UPDATE rank SET rank = 1 WHERE name = "JACO";


$10 please.
quit jewing the newcomers out of their money you fucking dicks. WoW is gay, but dont worry i spent half my life being a fat worthless little kid.


TD Admin
Your little problem with aircraft can easily be solved by equipping a stinger in secondary weapon slot.

Because of this i've never been nuked, and im 1st prestige lvl 47 already :P

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
No, you need to be recruited for that. Check the recruitment thread for details.

This is more so people know you a little and you can come game with friendly people... We're a community, meaning it's not just "random" people you play with ;)

Enjoy brotha, one love